Neuroscience Behind Resource Therapy

Resources exist physically in our brains as neural pathways

For those of you with a Resource State with a curious bent let me explain in technical terms. Our Resources can be equated to neural pathways and develop with neuroplasticity the ability to change and be rewired. Brain cells use neuro genesis, and there are two main ways this occurs.

The fascinating brain
The fascinating brain.
  1. During normal brain development when the immature brain first begins to process sensory information through adulthood (developmental plasticity and plasticity of learning and memory).
    Your brain can change! Therapies like Resource Therapy tap
    Your brain can change! Therapies like Resource Therapy tap into this amazing fact!

When we are born and in our toddler years our brain pretty much explodes in growth. As a neuron (think of this as a cell much like a tree matures it sends out many branches of axons (responsible for sending messages out) and dendrites (capable of receiving information) increasing the number of synaptic contacts and laying the specific synaptic connections – neuron to neuron.

Neurons have a membrane that is designed to send information to other cells. The axon and dendrites are specialized structures designed to transmit and receive information. The connections between cells are called synapses. Neurons release chemicals known as neurotransmitters into these synapses to communicate with other neurons.

Newborn baby develops neurons so quickly.

An infant of three will have approximately 1500 synapses per neuron (Gopnick et al. 1999), whereas the adult brain has only 7,500 due to synaptic pruning, where unused connections are deleted.

  1. As an adaptive mechanism to compensate for lost function and/or to maximize remaining functions in the event of brain injury.

It is our experiences, which determine which connections will be strengthened and which will be pruned. Those that are activated frequently will be preserved; neurons must have a purpose to survive. Those neurons without purpose die off through a process call apoptosis much the same way we prune our roses when they are not growing.

Our brains are neuroplastic
Our brains are neuroplastic

Thereby repeating behaviour over and over again our brains develop and connect in such a way that it will create a physical neural pathway. This is exactly how our Resource states are developed mostly in childhood. This is at the heart of Resource Therapy Theory of Personality.

With this knowledge we can effectively restore and reattach neural pathways. Working directly with the amgydala and our brains library the hippocampus.

Neurons can be strengthened with Resource Therapy
Neurons can be strengthened and rewired according to Resource Therapy Theory of personality

The good news is we can rewire our brains with emotional processing therapies like Resource Therapy, Mindfulness, EMDR, EFT and Somatic Therapy.

Reboot your brain !

4 Replies to “Neuroscience Behind Resource Therapy”

    1. Thanks Marcelle for your comment. Yes RT Personality Theory is informed by Neuroscience. We are in the process of building an evidence base with research investigations into the Resource Therapy protocols. Just like EMDR and any therapy really want to establish RT’s credibility with sound psychological studies. I am talk with Gordon today on this very matter. Exciting Research plans for next year.

  1. Hello Phillipa
    I am the workshop facilitator for SA AHA …I am asking if you may be interested in speaking/facilitating a workshop at our May AHA meeting on May 15th…
    We have had recommendations for your excellence in a workshop setting.
    If so..could you send some material for advertising a workshop with you.
    With Kind Regards
    Rosalie j Cronin

    1. Hi Rosalie, thank you for your interest in our workshops and seminars. Of course, we would be happy to arrange something for your SA AHA group.

      I will send some information and be in touch directly with you, Rosalie.Thanks for reaching out. We will be in SA in late March. Are you attending the conference NIDAC link here ? We are presenting the preconference workshop there. Happy to meet up with you in person if possible. It’s at Glenelg 23-26 March.


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