Advanced Resourcing Your Clients Clinical Interventions training Resource Therapy (RT) online information. This is the official 8 day training course to be a fully qualified Clinical Resource Therapist.
The Clinical training gives you specialist techniques crucial to working with your clients most distressing issues. At it’s heart Resource Therapy is a powerful strength based brief trauma informed Parts model for lasting results.

Here you will learn a simple system giving you the confidence to handle what ever your clients bring to your therapy room. As you hear your clients concerns, you will confidently know how to apply a treatment roadmap adding your own creative lens and empathic touch.
All the techniques are super adaptable to fit into your therapeutic tool box whether you are practitioner trained in Somatic Experiencing, Brainspotting, EMDR, EFT, Senorimotor, Hakomi, Client Centred, CBT, DBT, ACT or Mindfulness.
Whether you are a Social worker, mental health professional, Clinical Hypnotherapist, EFTer, EMDR specialist ( parts work is extremely valuable here!) Doctor, Psychiatrist, , Counsellor, Couples Therapist, Psychologist or Psychotherapist. Resource Therapy will add a spectacular edge to your treatment results and future referrals to your practice.

As an advanced skills training, you gain in-depth understanding of Resource Personality Theory. Allowing you to use the Resource Therapy treatment protocols to great effect. The workshop is extremely practical and you will be up and running with them from day one.
Meet the skilled therapists, counsellors & psychologists graduating from a one of our Sydney Resource Therapy Training workshops. Read what others have said here

In order to attend the Advanced Clinical Interventions in Resource Therapy you must have completed the two day training. Resourcing Your Clients, Foundation Training for Therapists gives you a head start in the fundamentals of Resource Therapy and targeted helping techniques to add massively to your amazing and caring skillset.
We know clients have many more issues than can be addressed in a two day workshop. So we offer the next step – the Clinical Training.
This is the complete suite of all Resource Therapy techniques giving you a clear roadmap for treating your clients distress and empowering them.

Register by phone 0434 55 90 11 now or email for eligibility – hurry places strictly limited to provide you with a high quality learning environment.
Suitable to your level of expertise the Clinical course is specifically designed for the psychotherapist either already working with clients in a professional mental health capacity or who are in the process of gaining the appropriate therapeutic credentials in order to practice ethically with clients. Student counsellors most welcome!
Acceptance into the Advanced Resourcing Your Clients Clinical Interventions in Resource Therapy training criteria are:
- Completion of the Foundation Training introduction to Resource Therapy and it’s applications.
- An appropriate counselling or therapeutic background and training to work with clients. Students in psychotherapy training accepted.
Skills you will learn in the eight day Clinical Training
You will learn advanced and innovative techniques that provide you with a huge array of useful skills for your toolbox for the complex issues our clients bring into our therapy rooms. Never be left uncertain again. Gain full confidence in your treatment outcomes,
Over the eight day Resource Therapy training you will gain precision tools to easily help clients achieve results with the following
DSM-5 disorders:

Anxiety, Phobias, Feeding and Eating Disorders, Panic Attacks, Pain Management, Depression, Complicated Grief, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Addictions, Sleep Terror, OCD, Dissociative Identity Disorder, Substance-Related Disorders, Hoarding Disorder, Adjustment Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder (Social Phobia), Agoraphobia, Acute Stress disorder, Trauma Disorder, Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Somatic Symptom Disorders, Illness Anxiety Disorder
Resource Therapy is effective in addressing Interpersonal Relationship Issues, Self Empowerment, Personality Issues, Complex PTSD, Workaholism, Inner Conflict, Below Par Performance, Exam Failure, Procrastination, Low Self-Esteem, Public Speaking and Anger Management.
It is my mission as a therapist is to be of service to others. As a result of stumbling across RT from my training in EMDR and Radical Exposure Tapping, I’m super keen to show therapists how RT can benefit both you as a clinician and your clients.

This is why we are committed to offering Advanced Resourcing Your Clients Clinical Interventions training Resource Therapy (RT).
We’ve found using RT with clients they want to refer friends and family to us or another Resource Therapists. We really need to have more experienced RT practitioners to refer these clients on to now, so please join us by calling Philipa now 0434 55 9011 or email me
Delivery of the Advanced Resourcing Your Clients Clinical Interventions of Resource Therapy
Clinical Qualification Training Program
We have organized the training into distinct blocks usually a month or so apart. In a series of ‘long weekends’. This delivery is designed to allow you to go out and practice and then return to discuss your experiences. Eight hours of group supervision included in the eight days of training.
Free Resource Therapy Primer by Gordon Emmerson and full set of workshop notes in a folder. Plus your very own Learn Resource Therapy Student Manual.
The series of Master classes in the CQT program
Resource Therapy Theory, Diagnosis and Therapy

- Understanding Resource Therapy and how it helps the therapist with diagnosis and treatment of client’s presenting issues – here you are taught to diagnose the problem and not the person! So empowering, told you it’s strength based!
- Using Resource Therapy to assess and resolve client’s issues at the source with the Resource Therapy Treatment Actions.
- Moving beyond symptomatic relief – that’s right getting to the cause of our issues resolves them, creating a new relationship with their past.
- Working with Complicated Grief and Loss, Overcoming Performance and Creative Blocks

e.g. Sports Difficulties, Sexual Dysfunction, Shame, Anxiety, (Complex) PTSD, DID, Phobias, Panic Disorder, Low Self Esteem, Confusion in Decision Making

Resource Therapy Advanced Techniques Continued
- Dealing with Depression.

- Enhancing and engaging with your clients inbuilt Resources to gain them traction in their life and move out of depression
- Resource Mapping – Identifying and Integrating Personality Strengths and Characteristics

OCD, Eating Disorders, Sex Addiction, Uncontrolled Shopping

Smoking, Internet Addictions – Gaming, Shopping, Porn, Social Media (Facebook) Overuse.

- Resolving Emotional issues

Resource Therapy Interventions for:
- Chronic Pain and Somatic Presentations

Upon completion of the above training you will be awarded the Clinical Qualification Certificate in Resource Therapy. You will be able call yourself a Resource Therapist and welcomed into the Resource Therapy community of counsellors, psychologists, psychotherapists, hypnotherapists, social workers and other mental health professionals who use this powerful therapy.

Rt will also fit incredibly well into your existing therapeutic tool box. Rt is particularly useful for EMDR clinicians, Complex Trauma specialists, Brain spotting therapists, EFT practitioners who need to know Ego State Therapy. Resource Therapy is an advanced form of Ego State Therapy. With easily understood, logical, systematized treatment protocol for many client difficulties.
***Free Bonus Website Listing on REsource Therapy International***
You will be invited to list your resource therapy practice details on the Worldwide Directory of RT Therapists if you are practicing RT in your professional work for a majority of your clinical attendees. Please click here to visit Directory of RT Therapists with Resource Therapy International. This is where you can choose to list your private practice, if you meet the specified criteria.
We have several support options on our Facebook groups which you are encouraged to join and participate in the Resource Therapy Community.

Training Dates for Advanced Resourcing Your Clients Clinical Interventions training in Resource Therapy Clinical Practitioner Qualification Program click here
Prerequisite: To attend you must have completed the Foundation Training – the two day introduction to Resource Therapy.
Payment options available please contact us.
Payment plan available to secure your place. Please register today : email now

Foundation Training in Resource Therapy :
Resource Therapy Foundations
Call us now on 434 55 90 11 or email to ensure your place. Numbers strictly limited.

Registration – Book early to ensure your place! Hurry strictly limited numbers to ensure you get devoted learning and practice. Please contact Philipa for payment options today
Payment options available.
If you pay in one lump sum you will be given a full suite of Resource Therapy books as our special gift to you.
Payment plan available to secure your place. Please register today : email now
REGISTRATION TYPE Payment received electronically or postmarked by | EARLY | STANDARD | LATE |
Early bird Discount $ one off payment or on payment plan 10 days | |||
Individual: Contact Philipa for Payment plan and deposit options. | $ | $ | $ |
ADDITIONAL DISCOUNT Group (3+ people) – Must Fulfill Criteria Below Bring 4 people you come free. | |||
FULL-TIME STUDENTS (must meet criteria for this special discount )$2200 plus gst |
Payment Plan Available upon request. Please Contact us to discuss 0434559011 OR Email Philipa Thornton

Please register your interest for the next opportunity by : email now