The impacts of the global pandemic are many. We have grown and adapted for our health and safety. Many of us will be familiar with the process of ‘checking in’ to a business for contact tracing. We do this with a unique QR Code.
This little square of black dots is an amazing tool. It’s a shortcut we are all used to using now. Using your phone scanner this barcode will take you to a unique website. Here in Australia, it’s our local State’s Covid Safe platform. It’s a quick way to share your URL web address.
So why is this important for us as therapists?
How good would it be for our clients to go snap and they land directly on your website and contact information?
You need your own unique QR Code. Save your contact details as a QR code, too easy.
I have my website on my brochures and am about to get new business cards which will have this handy feature on.
So where do you get one?
Here is a link to a website called the QR Code Generator. It is simple and easy to use.
Love to hear your thoughts and experiences. Please send me your QR codes 🙂 Hope this has been useful.

This little square of blacks is amazing. It’s a shortcut we are all used to using now. Get your phone out and see where you go.
Try this and see where you go! Love to hear your experiences. Please ask me anything or drop a comment in the box below.