Please join me in congratulating our wonderful group of Foundation Trained Resource Therapists. Meet the amazing Anna, Jo, Simon, Gina and Douglas. It was a fabulous group with experience ranging from decades to the student counsellor. Lovely to have all these perspectives.
Welcome Resource Therapy Nov 2019 Graduates
Douglas Resource Therapy Training in Sydney with Psychologist Philipa Thornton Vice President of Resource Therapy International the official site for Resource Therapy
From the bottom of our hearts Yvette, Chris and I thank you all. What an the awesome group, sharing your enthusiasm, knowledge and fun. Truly a great note to end this years training. Feeling blessed.
This question was posed by a supervisee. it’s not that uncommon, you may have even heard your own clients voice something similar, without any actual suicidal intention. We can have parts that are stuck in negative habits conducting unwanted ways of being and behaving. Retro States are the term we give for those Parts of us acting out in unhelpful and outdated protective ways.
Resource Therapy offers new ways to work with depression, overthinking and other unwanted behaviours
I popped up a quick video down below as to what we recommend to both address and resolve Retro States. In Resource Therapy we learn a specialist technique called Retro State negotiation where we directly access the part. By working and mediating with this part we re purpose it’s role. As Resource Therapy ( RT) is a strength based system for empowerment we hold the belief all our parts are there for a reason. Our Resources are there to help.
Retro’s are a one trick pony. in their playbook we would see unhelpful behaviors – Overthinking, Addictions, Smoking , Gambling, Eating issues and the like. Applying RT Action 10 Retro State Negotiation we parley with this part and simply find it a new way to achieve it’s helping purpose and work for collaboration. This truly fosters inner peace as we appreciate and acknowledge all our parts are working for our best potential.
A client said during the RT State negotiation process he saw in his minds eye a lock and a key. So amazing.
Resource Therapy Promotes team work and resolves inner conflict resulting in harmony
Naturally we devote a day in the Clinical training. You learn the art of RT Negotiation. Here’s the training page for details This work must be preceded by clearing any underlying emotional issues – Vaded States to be truly effective. Again this is covered in depth in the Resource Therapy Clinical workshop.
That is if it is a ‘Part’ that is making the ‘kill yourself’ suggestion. Sometimes other things like an Other Personalised Identity (OPI) can be at play. A Retro State is a part of the person. It’s become habitual, like a broken record. Obviously this is not an actively suicidal part – you will take other steps for safety in that case.
With RT Action 10 we acknowledge and appreciate the Part who’s making this statement. We get a name for it that’s based on it’s higher purpose. We then offer an opportunity for this part to help in a new or lesser role.
In Memorial – Taneisha xox Born 31/10/01 Died 13/11/19
Taneisha RTIA’s mascot. RIP loved and remembered with joy.
On a sad note, here is Taneisha she would be on my lap writing the blog. What a lovely girl. Very sad. Chris, Yvette and I are sad. Mourning the loss of a beautiful being. My lovely Taneisha, she would wait outside my therapy room sending her love in. When clients came out she brought them joy. She was a master clinician of love. An angel of goodness. Thanks for the blessing of being in our lives. Tearfully Philipa xox