YouTube Video -Working with BPD & Complex PTSD Presentations using RT Parts Therapy

working therapeutically with BPD Complex PTSD Parts Therapy

Get your pen and paper out as you watch this amazing presentation, a must view for the trauma-informed therapist !

Join us here on the Resource Therapy Institute Australia YouTube Channel. Huge thank you to Mel Canning for her time and wonderful knowledge share here and our lovely participants for coming.

Working with Borderline Personality Disorder & Childhood Complex PTSD Presentations

Applying Parts Therapy with EMDR and other Trauma Processing Models.

Luxembourg guest to talk on EMDR & Parts Therapy Free online

Are you using EMDR in your therapy practice, sometimes your client gets stuck, looping or it feels like a blocking belief? This can be frustrating.

Parts Therapy’s like IFS & Resource Therapy are invaluable to continue your client’s progress. Resource Therapy has an easily learned system to follow on where and how to use Parts ( in the past known as Ego States) for results.

It’s wonderful when you turn that corner in therapy and the emotional reprocessing continues.

We have a special guest for our next online Resource Therapy Mastery Series July 26 Sunday 6 pm in Sydney and around 10 am for our Europe folk. Join me with the amazing Deborah Egan-Klein.

Joining us from Luxembourg, Deborah will share her knowledge and thoughts on applying Resource Therapy and EMDR. This free seminar is a must-see for trauma-informed therapists.

Deborah is a certified Resource Therapy Trainer since 2015 with an extensive clinical background in working with complex client issues.
Dr. Egan-Klein has both American and French citizenship. She obtained her PhD. in Clinical Psychology in 2011 and has held a Masters Degree in Human Development since 1998. As well as holding an Advanced Clinical qualification in Resource Therapy as well as being a qualified and registered RT Trainer, Deborah holds many qualifications and Certificates in mental health practices:

  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional (CCTP) – 2019
  • Certified Hypnosis Instructor  (CI) – 2019
  • Certified Clinical Trauma Professional – 2019
  • Theraplay Training Level 1 and 2 – 2017
  • Certified Hypnotherapist Ericksonian – 2017
  • Resource Therapy / Advanced Ego State therapy certified trainer- 2016
  • Resource Therapy / Advanced Ego State therapy certified therapist – 2015
  • Post Graduate Certificate in Therapeutic Play Skills  2014
  • Certified EMDR practitioner 2013
  • Internal Family Systems certified Level 1 & 2   2012
  • Expressive Arts Therapy certificate 2009

EMDR & Parts Therapy a Superpower? RT Online Mastery Series

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: Jul 26, 2020 18:00 6pm Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney 10 am Europe

Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Can’t attend? All good just subscribe to the RT Newsletter and you will get the replay so you won’t miss out.

Deb withAnnandGordonEmmerson in Bali Resource Therapy Workshop training
Deborah with Anna and Gordon Emmerson in Bali

Working with Borderline Personality Disorder & Complex Childhood PTSD Presentations – Online

Working with BPD & Complex Childhood Presentations with Resource Therapy Online Training Workshops

As promised the Resource Therapy Online Mastery Series continues with the next installment on offer.

I am super excited to have our next guest presenter Melanie Canning.

We are lucky as Mel is sharing her incredible insights on Working with Borderline Personality Disorder & Complex Childhood PTSD Type Presentations. Live streaming to you. Please join us by registering for the Zoom meeting below.

Melanie Canning is a psychologist, Resource therapist, and hypnotherapist, Melanie has found success utilizing Resource Therapy with presentations that range from a clinical diagnosis of schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, anorexia, drug and alcohol use disorder, dissociative identity disorder, and borderline personality disorder through to anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, depression and drug and alcohol use, gambling and other addictions.

After Melanie returned to the workforce after her family, she had the feeling there must be something more than what the techniques of cognitive behavioural therapy and mindfulness could offer clients.

She discovered Resource Therapy worked at the base of the symptoms people presented with. Deep-seated issues dissolved with Resource Therapy (RT). Melanie found RT resolved the underlying angst that people experienced. She is an advanced clinician and trainer in Resource Therapy with many hours of training with Gordon Emmerson.

Working with Borderline Personality Disorder & Complex Childhood PTSD Type Presentations

You are invited to a Zoom meeting.
When: July 5, 2020, 18:00 Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney Time

***Register in advance for this meeting:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Please subscribe to the newsletter to receive your replay if you can’t join us online at the time.

Looking forward to this great event. See you soon. Please share with others who will benefit.

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