Meet the Class of August 2019 Foundation Graduates

A special invite into counseling in action- Resource Therapy Training

We have wonderful new and experienced Resource Therapy Foundation graduates from our August workshop. Here they are:

Foundationf funnys shot for Resource Therapy Foundation training class Aug 2019
Meet Emma. Linda, Cathy, Chris, Philipa, Alice and Nathan. Doing our leg shots – thanks Heath!
Foundation shot for Resource Therapy Foundation training class Aug 2019
Foundation therapists from Resource Therapy Foundation training class Aug 2019, with Heath who’s come along for a refresher.

Chris and I love running the Foundation training. There is something special about our first introduction to Resource Therapy’s treatment system. RT has a solid theory backing up its protocols. One of the most magical moments for me is when our lovely participants get to see a live demonstration of RT in action. I personally feel its both a privilege and an honour to help people overcome unwanted emotions and behaviours. It’s life changing for all concerned.

While our courageous therapy participants have the benefit of an RT session, they are also supporting their professional colleagues. Naturally the clinicians watching the demonstration they gain solid exposure to a new system and hear from the clients perspective. The value of client feedback cannot be underestimated.

Unfortunately Yvette could not join us this time around. She has a great excuse. Her daughter got married last weekend. Congratulations Nicki and Karl, wishing you all the happiness in the world !

congratulatons to the happy couple!
Congratulations to the happy couple!

Curiously both her daughter and new husband are also Clinically Trained Resource Therapists, having completed all 10 day’s training in Resource Therapy.

Super inspiring to meet fellow therapists from a range a clinical backgrounds with vast experience. We had mental health professionals with EMDR , Schema Therapy , Hypnosis, NLP, Somatic Experiencing, Suicide Prevention and Couple Therapy knowledge and training.

Special offer to revisit Resource Therapy for you. Email to find out more

You will note we have a ‘refresher’ in the group. The wonderful Heath, who could not attend last years Clinical .

We offer a ‘refresh’ to come and repeat the training with us. Or if you have done it elsewhere. You may want to reconnect with the ideas having had more practice or are going on to complete Clinical. Perhaps you want to re-familiarize yourself with the concepts of Resource Therapy and see a live demo. Special discounts apply please ask.

The Foundation training in Resource Therapy is available to the general public as introduction. You will learn more about yourself, others. How your to build your work and social relationships . It’s beneficial to know your skills and strengths and use them for their highest good. Your inner Resources are a valuable asset in your life!

So welcome, Cathy, Heath, Emma, Nathan, Alice, Linda and a special mention to Evi for her valued day one.

Thanks for making the training the special time it was! The journey continues. I have one last spot for the Clinical dates here Hurry first to contact me gets in!

Join us on the learning journey, Resource Therapy Training Workshops Australia. Brought to you by Resource Therapy Institute Australia
Join us on the learning journey, Resource Therapy Training Workshops Australia. Brought to you by Resource Therapy Institute Australia

How Elton John’s RocketMan Brings Our Personality Parts To Life!

The fantasy life journey of Elton John shows us how our personality parts are Vaded in Rejection so powerfully.

I’ve just seen the movie Rocketman at my local the Ritz. I loved it. I highly recommend it. This picture is a biopic/fantasy of Elton John’s early life and career. Although I am not a huge fan but I do enjoy Elton’s music. My foot was tapping away in the musical elements. Its very clear how talented a performer he is and the star of the show Taren Egerton. Taren delivers a knock out performance. For an hour or so we are transported on a fantastical journey. Catching a glimpse into another world.

Taren is an amazing actor. I imagine Elton would have been impressed!

Impressing upon us the importance of our formative years and their impact our future selves.

The show dramatically brought home to me how our personality Parts ( our Resource States that make us up and are physical neural connections, formed in childhood) drive everything in our lives.

From Pleasure, Failure, Success, Pain, Perseverance and Progress!

The original Rocketman Elton John a performance legend!

Please let me explain.

We meet young 7 year old Reginald Dwight who’s Dad is unable to show any love or affection to his young son. Young Elton yearns for a hug and unconditional love.

In Resource Therapy terms he will have a Part Vaded in Rejection. We see Dad is caught up in his bitterness towards his wife whom he feels trapped him with pregnancy.

Their relationship is woeful to say the least. They certainly could have down with some marital therapy! Of course I’d recommend it to all !

Reggie’s Mum’s world orbits around herself and her boyfriend/s. Her son’s needs and uniqueness are taken for granted and overlooked. Again this shows how as a child our Personality Parts can become Vaded in Rejection.

I am not a parent blamer by the way – there is a reason we do everything.

Grandma is a shining light for young Reggie showing him unconditional acceptance, practical and emotional support.

The adult Elton’s longing for love sees him involved with people who are very like his mother and father. Self absorbed and only looking out for themselves, cold and distant.

Some of us will relate!

Naturally we have a deep seated need for love and connection.

Often we will pay the price.

Accepting crumbs of affection, slices of niceness, lashed with layers of disapproval. It’s familiar and what we are used to. Those Parts are starved of love. Anything is better than nothing!

Like Elton our wiser mature adult Resources can get sidelined. He has to see how he is being used by his lover many times before an angry Part helps him take charge. Pretty powerfully – all our Parts are there to help us on our life journey.

Our emotional Parts yearn for love and acceptance.

We all need love and acceptance, Resource Therapy workshops show you how to achieve this for your clients

This is hardwired into us and helps us survive in the world. When we don’t receive nurturance which is necessary to our survival and emotional well being.

Life can go off into the ditch causing a crisis. We may get other Parts who step in to avoid the overwhelming emptiness, loneliness and upset as in the case of addictive behaviors or excessive anger. We see this played out in Elton’s career and his relationships.

In Resource Therapy (RT) we believe our Parts, even those acting out are there to help us.

RT is a strength based model of psychotherapy. Naturally it is a respectful trauma-informed and client centred psychological therapy.

We watch Elton’s showman Resource State come to life on stage in front of his fans. Fully expressing his talents.

Elton’s Showman dresses the part in the most amazing costumes. He goes on to entertain those of us in the movie theatre and his live audience. This Showman Resource personality part has such incredible energy and dynamism.

Still Parts of Elton feel unworthy.

The original Rocketman Elton John as played by Taren Egerton is amazing!
Rocketman Elton John as played by Taren Egerton is amazing!

Those parts start to drown out the negative emotions in order to cope with alcohol, drugs, sex, over-shopping, binge eating, self sabotage, suicidality and anger. Those younger inner child parts are lost in the depths. There is a scene in the movie which is so poignant as he dives into his younger self.

Elton John meets his younger self Reginald Dwight when drowning his pain.
Elton John meets his younger self Reginald Dwight when drowning his pain.

He embarks on his recovery sobriety journey. Here he meets and gives his inner child Parts the unconditional love and a beautiful big hug. There’s a group therapy 12 Step meeting scene where we get to witness his re-connection with himself. I love this scene!

Resource Therapists call out a part to be there on the inside for emotional support and unconditional love for these younger parts needs to be met.

I love this process. So empowering and rewarding for a person to know and feel this younger Part finally getting the loving, hugging and sanctuary it truly deserves. This happens after we have released the Parts perception of rejection, abandonment, disappointment and hurt related to the less than loving experiences.

Resource Therapy training offers the joy of finding a nurturing Part to take care of our emotional needs and give us !

It’s truly freeing and humbling, I often have a tear of joy in my eye.

I love the liberation within a Resource Therapy session as you have a detailed map for dealing with all the emotions and behaviours respectfully.

Watch me discuss how Rocketman shows us our Resource States!

Remember we have our next – Resourcing Clients Foundation Course August 18/19 Sydney click here

Love to hear your thoughts, observations – please drop a comment in the box below. Thanks for reading!

Vaded in Rejection Series Video 3 now up on YouTube

Vaded States live in a prison of low self worth, anxiety and shame. Resource Therapy heals and promotes internal value.

Here is the next installment for our Vaded Series. States Vaded in Rejection are one of the most common issues I deal with in my therapy office. I’ll bet you have seen many clients too. I love how inspiring and restorative this psychological and emotional work is.

States Vaded in Rejection are a huge part of trauma and anxiety.
These States often have caregiver Introject who was conditionally loving

You can spot a state Vaded in Rejection a mile off, as you hear “I am never good enough, no matter what I do I still feel like a fraud.”

Sometimes it’s a terribly deep sense of feeling unlovable and it’s a burden carried for years, leaving person emotionally crippled in their lives. Often they are experiencing problematic relationships in love, at work and in their lives,

Attachment disorder works in parallel with States Vaded in Rejection. Healing these usually younger Resource State is truly rewarding and empowering to our clients who consult us.

Happy adults are free from value judgements and shame from the past.

Click the link below to access the Resource Therapy Institute’s Channel:

Thanks for reading and watching. Love to hear about your work with States Vaded in Rejection – drop a comment below. Philipa

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