5 Crippling Emotions RT Reprocesses Rapidly

Trapped in behind the bars of emotional distress. Resource Therapy has simple system to free you!

While CBT is useful for dealing with unhelpful thoughts, Resource Therapy is spectacular in healing Fear, Anxiety, Extreme Anger, Hurt, Grief, Shame and Disappointment.

Don't let Sadness hold you back. Puppy Love!
Don’t let Sadness hold you back. Puppy Love!

As we know fear can cripple us.

It traps us.

Escape crippling emotions today. Find a trained Resource Therapist near you and get results fast.
Escape crippling emotions today. Find a trained Resource Therapist near you and get results fast.

Keeping us locked inside our homes, our hearts and our minds. Anxiety threatens us daily – how good would it be to be free of this chronic condition?

We can have unhealthy anger and rage. Research tells us it is good to express our emotions. Yet erupting as a volcano heightens not only our blood pressure but those around us. Creating a fearful environment where loved walk on eggshells.

Hurt can stop us from finding love and healthy relationships.

We stay home Saturday night again.


Doggone it, Depression sucks. Resource Therapy works to resolve disappointment.

Filled with hungry longing and a nagging loneliness.

We are born to share our worlds and hearts with others.

Grief can sneak up and trap us in a sadness spiral. We are left not knowing or have unanswered or unresolved relationships. Tears flood.

We feel stuck in this loop unable to move to a healthier connection with our past, weighted down in the if only’s, the what it’s, I should have’s.

Shame as we know from Brene Brown’ TedX talks are the silent epidemic of our modern age.

Secretly behind many forms of broken behavior. Resource Therapy gently confronts Shame and Guilt head on. Years of pain relieved rapidly and respectfully.

Don't drown in disappointment - help is at hand with Resource Therapy's powerful protocols
Don’t drown in disappointment – help is at hand with Resource Therapy’s powerful protocols

Disappointment orginates from those cognitive distortions we hold. Where our expectations have taken a plunge. We feel like a failure through job loss, relationship breakdown, redundancy, business failure. This emotion weights us down like a diving belt. Submerging us from life. We drown in plain sight.

Resource Therapy gives us an easily learnt framework for treating these emotions. You will know exactly what steps to take when your clients are disabled by these unhelpful emotions.

Rapid Results from Resource Therapy

In a little of five minutes I share with you how Resource Therapy gets results on the 5 crippling emotions when they overwhelm us. Here’s the YouTube from my Resource Therapy Channel just click the link to go there now:


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Free your spirit and run with your mates. Fearless and Fun
Free your spirit and run with your mates. Fearless and Fun

Huge Differences in Ego State Therapy and Resource Therapy

Resource Therapy has Huge Differences to Ego State Therapy - learn them today.

Resource Therapy is a wonderfully brief therapy which has undoubtedly and proudly evolved from John and Helen Watkin’s Ego State Therapy.

I believe there has been some confusion because of these origins.  Resource Therapy is not Ego State Therapy. It has distinct differences and clear protocols and  certain advantages with it’s powerful interventions.

Both Ego State and Resource Therapy (RT) are ‘Parts’ Therapies. Go to see legends like Pat Ogden, Kathy Steele, Roger Solomon, Colin Ross, Norman Doidge or Maggie Phillips and other experienced leaders in the therapy world

Trauma informed therapies are a must in psychological practi
Trauma informed therapies are a must in psychological practice.

and you will all hear them repeatedly mention ‘Part’s. Both Ego State and RT find the part of the personality that needs to change in order to do therapeutic work. This is especially useful in trauma informed therapy.

Resource Therapy has a variety of tools that Ego State Therapy does not.

New with Resource Therapy

  • No need for Hypnosis: Ego State Therapy required therapists to be trained in hypnosis. Resource Therapists do not need to be clinical hypnotherapists or

    Hypnosis is a powerful intervention however it not needed in Resource Therapy training.
    Hypnosis is a powerful intervention however it is not a requirement in Resource Therapy.

    learn hypnotic induction. All well and good if you are though!  Resource Therapy’s protocols and actions are sufficient to address client issues.

Introjects are NOT Ego States. Resource Therapy holds that Introjects are merely internalized impressions of a person, animal or animate. These are Resource State specific.  Ego State Therapy sees Introjects as needing to be transformed into Ego States which  with therapist must worked with extensively and changed. RT works with Introjects in new and refreshing ways.

  • No need for an arrest
    No need for an arrest

    I attended a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy CBT Imaginal Re-scripting workshop last year. Here we were fighting with the perpetrator Introject, sending the Introject to the police or the moon or wherever. We then had to repeat the process several times from each Ego State perspective, child, adult and so forth. Time consuming!  While it was hilarious, in my opinion it may not have been as  beneficial to the client.

Inner peace can be achieved with Parts Therap
Inner peace can be achieved with Parts Therapy

RT therapists do not attempt to change the Introject, we stick with the client and it is the client who decides what actions (if any) happen for the Introject. This is usually achieved  in the one session.

RT is certainly positively client focused.  This further empowers the client in processing trauma, or rejection to feel safe and loved. RT Therapists have been trained in systemic protocols to facilitate this quickly and efficiently.

All our parts (Resource States) are there to help.py - learn them today.
All our parts (Resource States) are there to help and deserve unconditional love.

  • Resource Therapy has straightforward Diagnostic Criteria and Treatment Actions.  Resource Therapists are skilled in working with the clients presenting problems by diagnosing the concern, NOT the person. They then work according to the prescribed 15 Treatment Actions. These are systematic protocols for working with clients impacted by depression, anxiety, chronic pain, grief and loss, below par performance, and so much more.

Resource Therapy helps speed clients to their goals quickly.
Resource Therapy helps speed clients to their goals quickly.

Resource Therapy Personality Theory.  Resource States are physical and develop as coping mechanism over time, usually in childhood according to RT Personality Theory. Ego State Therapy’s define Ego States as split offs from the personality, this is derivative of  a psycho dynamic perspective.

Neuropsychologists knows the brain can adapt and grow
Neuropsychologists knows the brain can adapt and grow

Resource Therapy’s theory is supported by contemporary neuroscience and our understanding of the brains unique ability to rewire and adapt. Read more here Neuroscience and Resource Therapy. RT taps directly into this key element of psychological therapy, as it harnesses our neurons ability to heal with defined interventions – Resource Therapy Actions 1-15.

Open the door to safety and security for your clients today. Find a RT workshop near you!
Open the door to safety and security for your clients today. Find a RT workshop near you!

Find out about the lastest Training dates here Resourcing your Clients Foundation Training in RT We would love to have you join us!

Please register today  : email philipathornton@gmail.com now to secure your spot.



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