We are pleased to offer for the FIRST time ever in Sydney the Advanced Clinical/ Train the Trainer 5 days at the super special rate of $1250 end super soon December 15.
The ultimate in Resource Therapy training. You are a Clinical Resource Therapist no doubt having great experiences in with your clients.
Here you now get to explore masterful techniques for working with clients impacted by ADHD, Dissociation, Complex Grief, Trauma ( adult and childhood), Depression, Anxiety, Addictions and Chronic Pain. For the advanced clinician.
Five days of specialized focus where we review the Clinical program ( great for a refresh, half the time double the value) and you get the chance to become a Resource Therapy Trainer.
Advanced Clinical/ Train the Trainer 5 days
- 5/6/7/8/9 March Sydney 2020
- Presenter Philipa Thornton Super Early Bird Dec 15 $1250 available.
- Register here today email philipa@resourcetherapy.com.au or Call 0434 55 90 11 to register hurry spaces strictly limited.