We are very honored to have Gordon Emmerson the founder of Resource Therapy join us at our next RT community event.
Gordon Emmerson Ph.D. is to Resource Therapy,, what Francine Shapiro is to EMDR, Freud, and Watson to Psychology. He’s a living legend and as those of us who know him know he is a very humble person and in my opinion a genius like those aforementioned. Parts therapies like Resource Therapy are the future of psychology. Please join us – it’s free.
Gordon Emmerson and Philipa Thornton discuss Resource Therapy and the future of psychology
Zoom Meeting Gordon Emmerson & Philipa Thornton Discuss Resource Therapy. When: May 10, 2020 09:00 Canberra, Melbourne, Sydney
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. Hurry places limited and this will fill quickly.
This time should suit our American friends who have only had the replays for now. Our Europe and Asia buddies won’t miss out, please sign up for your replay session to be sent to you via email.
Gordon and I will be talking all things Parts and RT you will gain valuable insights, come and ask your questions and curiosities. No experience necessary just an interest in helping clients deal with trauma and psychological issues.
At the Resource Therapy Institute Australia we are dedicated to Professor Gordon Emmerson’s vision of sharing this healing heart centred therapy he has pioneered.
Those how know me, know I am not being one to blow my own trumpet, I am also Vice President of Resource Therapy International and Chris Paulin is Clinical Training Director. We have been helping Gordon and Anna run the annual Bali training since it began.
It has been a real honor to be offered the opportunity by Gordon and Anna to keep the Resource Therapy training workshops running in UBUD Bali.
We plan to make it an annual event, so every year around June/July you will find great fun and fabulous trauma informed parts therapy in a tropical paradise. Next year let us know if you’d like an opportunity to practice your training skills by running a day. Or perhaps you have a specialty Resource Therapy skill you’d like to offer as a specialist workshop. There is a thought of NLP and its applications with Resource Therapy. Please send me an email.
The awesome thing is you get to learn while in a heavenly space, with lovely hotels and divine food. Happy to make recommendations! Just ask me for our local favourites.
This course is especially relevant to those who have completed their Clinical training is the Advanced Clinical Train the Trainer.Perhaps you did the training a while ago and like me took up some of the ideas but needed some more input on how to implement Parts Therapy into your practice. Or you found it useful with clients you used it with but felt as if you were missing some vital parts. You know safety is paramount in working as a trauma informed Resource Therapist and wanted to learn more on this. The Advanced Clinical & Train the Trainer is the answer.
This is a five day review of the Clinical and dive down further into using Resource Therapy with conditions like ADHD, Psychosis, Complex PTSD, PTSD, Depression, Anxiety and Pain Management. All totally applicable to psychologists, social workers, therapists and all other emotional healers out there.
Discover the Power of Parts Therapy Resource Therapy Institute Australia
Here is the next installment for our Vaded Series. States Vaded in Rejection are one of the most common issues I deal with in my therapy office. I’ll bet you have seen many clients too. I love how inspiring and restorative this psychological and emotional work is.
These States often have caregiver Introject who was conditionally loving
You can spot a state Vaded in Rejection a mile off, as you hear “I am never good enough, no matter what I do I still feel like a fraud.”
Sometimes it’s a terribly deep sense of feeling unlovable and it’s a burden carried for years, leaving person emotionally crippled in their lives. Often they are experiencing problematic relationships in love, at work and in their lives,
Attachment disorder works in parallel with States Vaded in Rejection. Healing these usually younger Resource State is truly rewarding and empowering to our clients who consult us.
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