Emotional Pain & Stuckness suck…

Sadness honours our loss. Stuckness doesn't.

Over the years most of us have had to deal with the pain of grief and loss. It’s a sad and necessary part of life. When the leaving is unexpected, like in the bereavement of suicide or accident, or ending of a significant relationship it’s painful and difficult to compute this tragic loss.

Grief can lay us flat, set in stuckness if left unprocessed in our emotional brain.
Grief can lay us flat, set in stuckness

Yet there are often so many unspoken sentiments, love shared, conversations unexpressed.

Guilt and rumination are common side effects of those bereaved by suicide. Resource Therapy heals with it's Closure Conversation.
Guilt and rumination are common side effects of those bereaved by suicide. Resource Therapy heals with it’s Closure Conversation.

After losing my Uncle to suicide in my teens, I struggled with so many unanswered questions. I was angry, hurt and felt betrayed. Guilt and a sense of over-responsibility plagued me in the quiet of night. It would come and go, sending me low.

I imagined what I could of said, did to stop him from hurting himself. Of course life carried on but there was a huge gap my teen age self felt keenly over the years.

When love wilts it's hard to deal with our feelings of loss

Grief is a wonderful expression of the love for the loss of our loved ones or the ending of something special. This felt heavier.

As you will see on my video, a Resource Therapy session relieved me of the unresolved emotional burden. I was freed from my resentment towards my father, the abandonment of my Uncle.

It was the AHA understanding from an emotional perspective which changed my inner landscape.

Intellectually as both a person and a mental health professional I ‘knew’ he was suffering from a dark depression.

This emotional freedom and release I experienced sold me on the power of Resource Therapy in healing.

I had years of therapy! At great cost. Yet in this one session I gained emotional closure and inner peace. Free too as I was a client volunteer!

There are many treatments and therapies offering wonderfully supportive grief and loss processing.

Resource Therapy is the one I use with amazing effect. Long held hurt is released in the therapy hour. Guilt and shame replaced with love, acceptance and personal peace.

Personal peace from loss cannot be underestimated. Find freedom today with Resource Therapist in your area.

There are clearly defined steps to have what I call ‘Closure Conversations.’ Here we apply the Resource Therapy steps to address and process burdensome grief, shift shame, and let go of guilt.

These sessions I have are some of the most moving and heartfelt therapy I have been privileged to facilitate.

Here’s the latest from the Resource Therapy Institute Australia YouTube Channel – on Closure Conversations. Please see below and I would love it if you would be so kind to like, subscribe and help!

We are having our last training for the year Nov 4 & 5 in Sydney. Details here https://resourcetherapy.com.au/resource-therapy-foundation-training-online-philipa-thornton-sydney/

Vaded States Explained on YouTube

Imagine all our internal Resources in the normal state. Go Smurfs! Find out how well Resource Therapy treats anxiety, depression, addictions and much much more.

Hello lovely readers ! Well my talk on Traumatic Bereavement how to aid Healing Guilt and Shame using Resource Therapy’s Vaded in Confusion protocol was wonderfully received. What a joy to share such an amazing and respectful process for dealing with the tragic loss. It’s great because we have a Foundation training happening this weekend and people were so excited they signed up right away! Don’t worry we will have another introduction to Resource Therapy in either July or August, dates here soon. Please sign up to our newsletter pop -up to ensure you don’t miss out! Love to get your learning part out and share RT.

Love to talk to you more about how Resource Therapy helped me get over my fear of heights!
Love to talk to you more about how Resource Therapy helped me get over my fear of heights!

Loss comes in many forms – suicide, or a medical diagnosis, miscarriage, termination, loss of employment, business failure, bankruptcy, unrecquitted love, the heartbreak of relationship breakdown, breaches in trust – infidelity and affairs, homicide, perinatal loss, death of a loved one and I do include our pets here. These unfortunate circumstances can have us in a state of unpleasant anxiety and stuckness.

Vaded States can leave us feeling sad and despondent. Change happens with the Vaded State Protocol = an easily learnt system that addresses the root causes of our issues. Therapy happens at warp speed!
Vaded States can leave us feeling sad and despondent. Change happens with the Vaded State Protocol = an easily learnt system that addresses the root causes of our issues. Therapy happens at warp speed!

As we feel out of control in and unable to process our distress, perhaps we turn inward, asking ourselves what we could have said or done to prevent disaster. What if I’d stayed home that day? Did I do the right thing ? I can’t get over you.

Smurfette is getting flowers - she's in her happy normal state able to recieve. She's become unvaded after seeing a Resource Therapist who helped her deal with her dating issues!
Smurfette is getting flowers – she’s in her happy normal state able to recieve. She’s become unvaded after seeing a Resource Therapist who helped her deal with her dating issues!

Using Resource Therapy actions I have seen clients relieved of years of suffering in the one session. The results have been nothing short of incredible. It’s so amazing I have dedicated myself to teaching others – how to get the best part out to heal and deal with your life and circumstances.

Vaded States are those that are invaded with negative affect when in the conscious. Remember Darth Vader was once part of the Force - just like his son Luke Skywalker.
Vaded States are those that are invaded with negative affect when in the conscious. Remember Darth Vader was once part of the Force – just like his son Luke Skywalker.

Here is my latest YouTube offering the Vaded States explained. There’s a little Star Wars, a bit of Smurfdom and we meet Barbie and the Lion. Darth Vader is large head – our Vaded states where like Darth Vader. They were normal and useful but have had traumatic emotional damage and feel out of control and overwhelmed with negative emotion – Invaded, hence Vaded.

Please watch, like, comment and subscribe. A very big Thank you from me!

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