Mastering Resource Therapy: Advanced Clinical Train the Trainer Program in Europe

Connect with your parts. Our internal family of personalities there to help us in our lives. Dance with them!

At Resource Therapy Institute Australia, we believe in the power of transformation with the power of parts work. Our Advanced Clinical Train the Trainer program is your gateway to becoming a leader in Resource Therapy (RT), equipping you with the tools and expertise to make a profound impact on your clients’ lives.

This program is designed for therapists ready to elevate their skills to the highest level. Whether you’re an experienced RT practitioner or new to this therapeutic approach, our comprehensive training will empower you to apply Resource Therapy to more specific and challenging client presentations of personality parts.

Why Choose the Advanced Clinical Train the Trainer Program?

Tailored for European Time Zones

We understand the importance of accessibility and convenience. Our program is scheduled to accommodate European time zones, ensuring that you can participate without disrupting your routine.

Deep Dive into Resource Therapy

Our Advanced Clinical program goes beyond the basics. You’ll delve into the intricate details of RT, exploring advanced techniques and strategies for addressing complex psychological issues. This training is not just about theory; it’s about practical application. You’ll learn how to implement RT in real-world scenarios, helping clients navigate and heal from deep-seated traumas, anxieties, and other mental health challenges.

Specialized Training for Specific Client Presentations

Resource Therapy is a powerful tool for addressing a wide range of psychological conditions. Our Advanced Clinical program focuses on specific client presentations, giving you the expertise to tailor your approach to meet individual needs. You’ll learn to work with clients experiencing:

  • Severe trauma and PTSD
  • Complex anxiety and phobias
  • Chronic depression
  • Personality disorders
  • Addictive behaviours

By mastering these specialised techniques, you’ll be better equipped to help your clients achieve lasting change and improved well-being.

Become a Leader in Resource Therapy

This program is designed to not only enhance your clinical skills but also to prepare you to train other therapists. As a Train the Trainer participant, you’ll gain the knowledge and confidence to teach RT to colleagues, expanding the reach of this transformative therapy. You’ll play a crucial role in building a community of skilled RT practitioners dedicated to improving mental health outcomes.

What You Can Expect

  • Expert Instruction

Our trainers are seasoned professionals with extensive experience in Resource Therapy. They bring a wealth of knowledge and practical insights to the program, ensuring you receive the highest quality training.

  • Interactive Learning

The Advanced Clinical Train the Trainer program is interactive and engaging. You’ll participate in hands-on exercises, case studies, and group discussions, allowing you to apply what you’ve learned in a supportive environment.

  • Ongoing Support

Your journey doesn’t end when the training does. We provide ongoing support to our graduates, including access to exclusive resources, peer networks, and continued professional development opportunities.

Join Us and Transform Lives

Are you ready to take your Resource Therapy practice to the next level? Our Advanced Clinical Train the Trainer program is the perfect opportunity to deepen your skills, broaden your impact, and become a leader in this field.

For more information and to enrol, email us or call. Join us in our mission to heal and empower individuals through the transformative power of Resource Therapy.

Together, we can make a difference.

With Love and Light Philipa

Elevate Your Therapeutic talents: Join Our Advanced Clinical Training and Trainer Program

Clinical Resource Therapist pleas join us in Europe Friendly 5 day Advanced Clinical Program and Train the Trainer

In the ever-evolving landscape of psychological therapy, the quest for deeper understanding and enhanced therapeutic techniques is a journey that knows no bounds. The Resource Therapy Institute Australia is thrilled to announce our upcoming Advanced Clinical Training and Trainer Program, meticulously designed for therapists eager to ascend to new heights of clinical expertise. Set against the backdrop of our commitment to excellence and innovation in therapy, this program promises an unparalleled opportunity to refine your skills, deepen your knowledge, and step into the role of a trainer with confidence and prowess.

Dates and Timing Designed with You in Mind

Scheduled for October 1, 2, 3, and 4, from 2:30 PM to 9:30 PM AEST, and concluding on October 11 from 3:30 PM to 9:30 PM AEDT, this workshop is a meticulously crafted journey. It is tailored to not only accommodate but warmly welcome our international community, especially those joining us from Europe.

Explore, Learn, Transform

Throughout Days 1 to 4, Master trainers Philipa, and Chris will guide you through the intricacies of Resource Therapy’s application in addressing ADHD, Pain Presentations, Depression, Dissociation, and Eating Disordered Behaviours. This deep dive enriches your therapeutic toolbox with nuanced, effective strategies that bring about genuine healing and resilience in those you support.

Day 5 marks a momentous occasion where you, empowered by the week’s insights, will have the unique opportunity to showcase your mastery and readiness to instruct others in the profound practices of Resource Therapy.

Why Join the Advanced Clinical Training?

This training is not just an educational program; it’s a journey of professional and personal growth. This program is a beacon for those ready to:

  • Explore Beyond the Surface: Dive deep into the complexities of human emotions and behaviours, enriching your practice with nuanced understanding and compassion.
  • Connect and Grow: Join a community where warmth, support, and shared knowledge light the way for professional and personal growth.
  • Step into Your Power: Day 5 invites you to stand in your strength, to teach and inspire, preparing you to spread the transformative power of Resource Therapy.

Early Bird Registration: Act Now and Save

We believe in rewarding the forward-thinkers, the early planners. That’s why we offer an Early Bird registration discount until June 1. Secure your spot in this advanced training and save on your investment in your professional development.

Join Us: A Journey of Heart, Healing, and Discovery

With open hearts and a shared vision for deeper healing and understanding, we invite you to apply for our Advanced Clinical Program. Let’s embark on this journey together, a journey where each step is an opportunity for transformation, connection, and profound healing.

The prerequisite for this transformative experience is being a Clinical Resource Therapist, as we build on this foundation to explore new depths, new understandings, and new possibilities.

We await your presence, your curiosity, and your passion for learning and healing. Together, let’s make this journey one of profound impact, for ourselves and for those we are privileged to serve.

The journey towards becoming a master in Resource Therapy and an inspiring trainer starts here. Applications for the Advanced Clinical Training and Trainer Day are now open. Embrace this opportunity to elevate your therapeutic practice and impact the lives of those you serve in profound and meaningful ways.

Join us on this transformative journey—your future in advanced therapeutic practice and training beckons.


Unlocking the Power of Memory Reconsolidation with Resource Therapy

Broken brain or faulty Memory that needs rewiring. Resource Therapy offers Memory Reconsolidation Photo by That's Her Business on Unsplash

Applying Neuroscience Advances in Psychotherapy.

In the realm of psychotherapy, innovative approaches continuously emerge, promising more profound healing and lasting change. Among these, Resource Therapy stands out as a particularly effective modality, especially when understood through the lens of the latest neuroscience research on memory consolidation.

Let’s explore Resource Therapy and what I call the Empowerment Protocol as to how to apply these neuroscientific insights to facilitate deep psychological healing.

Understanding Memory Reconsolidation

Memory reconsolidation, a groundbreaking concept in neuroscience, refers to the process by which recalled memories become malleable and can be altered before being stored again. This process underscores the brain’s adaptability and its capacity for profound change, suggesting that when we recall a memory, especially a traumatic one, it’s possible to modify the memory before it’s reconsolidated, potentially diminishing its emotional impact. (Alberini & Ledoux, 2013).

Research indicates emotional memory has an association with many emotional disorders – PTSD, Depression Anxiety, and Addictions. (Brewin, 2011; Williams, et al. 2007) This offers therapists insightful implications in the psychological treatment of these pervasive and debilitating conditions which are substantially on the rise globally. (Schwabe, L., Nader, K., & Pruessner, J. C. (2014).

The Intersection of Resource Therapy and Neuroscience

Founded on the premise that our personality is composed of various parts, each with its own role and emotions, Resource Therapy taps into the principles of memory consolidation for lasting results.

Resource Therapy guides individuals to engage with specific personality parts associated with distressing memories. By safely accessing and expressing these parts with a Resource Therapy’s therapeutic setting, utilizing the Empowerment protocol, clients can revisit painful memories, reprocess, and adapt them, creating a new relationship with past trauma.

The Steps of Memory Reconsolidation in Resource Therapy

The integration of memory reconsolidation in Resource Therapy unfolds in several stages:

  1. Activation of the Memory: Identifying and activating the memory part that harbours distress, making the memory accessible and amenable to change.
  2. Integration of New Learning: Introducing new, positive experiences or perspectives to challenge the original narrative associated with the memory.
  3. Consolidation for Change: Integrating these new insights allows the client’s psyche to reconsolidate the memory with a healthier, more adaptive outlook, fundamentally altering the emotional impact of the original memory.

What that looks like in Practice – the Empowerment Protocol

Clinically trained Resource Therapists work with the part of the personality directly, we use a process called Vivify Specific. A fantastic way to talk to the part desiring change.

  1. Diagnose the Disturbance: As psychotherapists, we understand the presenting issue of fear or rejection almost always has its roots in childhood. The RT term for these parts holding unwanted emotion is Vaded. Resource Therapy (RT) Action 1 tells us what direction we will take in the therapy, perfectly guiding us with a therapeutic road map.
  2. Bridging: As opposed to accessing a cognitive memory, by thinking about the issue. Resource Therapists are trained to isolate a somatic sensory experience memory (SEM) (Emmerson, 2014). Once this part is out on deck, we bridge to the unhappy or traumatic event.
  3. Empowerment Phase for Reconsolidation: This is invariably a childhood scene. We then deploy RT Actions 4, 5, 6 (if necessary), 7 of the Empowerment Protocol. Here the therapist actively facilitates the child’s state to have a voice, and get its needs met from another internal resource.

Clinical Implications and Benefits

Leveraging memory reconsolidation within Resource Therapy offers a pathway to significantly reduce emotional distress and promote lasting mental health improvements, facilitating a deep, structural neurobiological change in how distressing memories are perceived and felt, leading to transformative healing.

Resource Therapy is a game-changer. With the Empowerment Protocol, we are potentially repairing attachment wounding at its source.

Parting Thoughts

The innovative integration of neuroscience and Resource Therapy opens new avenues for addressing psychological issues, providing a potent tool for therapists and clients alike, aiming for not just symptomatic relief but genuine, enduring change.

Using neuroscience, we can rewire our brains, effectively changing our minds.

With memory reconsolidation our part’s old hurts and harms are reprocessed gently with compassion and respect, creating a new future and a different relationship to the past. We are free to have the best part out on deck, to suit the occasion with the skills and ability to live life according to our values.

Learn how Resource Therapy uses neuroscience to change your mind with memory reconsolidation - psychotherapy evidence based treatments Photo by Bret Kavanaugh on Unsplash

Be the Captain of your ship navigating life’s journey, chart a course for freedom today.

Come and join us at our next Clinical Training to discover the power of parts therapy!

Visit our Training Program page here.


Alberini, C. M., & Ledoux, J. E. (2013). Memory reconsolidation. Current biology : CB, 23(17), R746–R750.

Brewin C. R. (2011). The nature and significance of memory disturbance in posttraumatic stress disorder. Annual review of clinical psychology, 7, 203–227.

Emmerson. G. E, (2014). Resource Therapy Primer. Blackwood. Old Golden Point Road. – Here are Gordon’s books

Schwabe, L., Nader, K., & Pruessner, J. C. (2014). Reconsolidation of human memory: brain mechanisms and clinical relevance. Biological psychiatry, 76(4), 274–280.

Williams, J. M., Barnhofer, T., Crane, C., Herman, D., Raes, F., Watkins, E., & Dalgleish, T. (2007). Autobiographical memory specificity and emotional disorder. Psychological bulletin, 133(1), 122–148.

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