Save the Date – Part 2 Using RT Online with Clients & Bridging Master Class

Learn the secret to mastering successful Bridging Program

It was wonderful to share the benefits of working online with clients using Resource Therapy. Many people signed up for the replay. The Institute went global, Belgrade, Heidelberg, London,

Here is what people on the call said:

“we want more”

” It’s inspired me again to revisit RT, use it with my mental health clients and reread the RT books”

” I feel much more confident in applying the RT steps especially bridging new with clients using Zoom.”

I felt super charged sharing my online experience, combined with RT knowledge, such a force for good.

So we have heard you and have two new offerings. Firstly:

Part 2 Using RT Online with Clients & The Secret to Bridging Master Class

Date Sunday 26th April 4.30-6.30 pm Sydney time.

Here you can ask anything you want on Resource Therapy Online and we have special guest Wendy Brewer amazing (RT Trainer and Clinician) as co-host and she is going to share her The Secret to Bridging taster. Exciting !!

Wendy and I got chatting about the roadblock many clinicians get stuck.

It’s Resource Therapy Action 3 Bridging and Vivify Specific RT Action 2. The Watkins Affect Bridge and Emmerson Bridge are powerful. Wendy will talk about the secret ingredients to successful Bridging.

Bridging for those who don’t know is the term and technique we use for getting our client’s present-day issues to point to where they were first acquired and repairing this moment in therapy. So powerful at dislodging long-held issues.

This Resource Therapy Action (3) is used with our clients who are trapped in fear and rejection.

In this imaginal space we land at the root cause so elegantly via our Bridge process using Clients goals and presenting issue. We then Empower the part experiencing this with expression and nurturance. RT is both attachment and gentle.

We start with the rupture and revisit only for a few moments for repair. It’s such an honoring process of healing.

Many others use Bridging – those of you who are EMDR practitioners, EFTers, Radical Exposure Therapy, Hypnosis, I am sure there are more!

Needless to say you want to make sure you are doing this correctly.

Otherwise, the client and clinician may miss out on clearing the issue that is informing your client’s negative feelings, thoughts and beliefs. The session will feel like it just didn’t get there or worse a flop. Disheartening to say the least.

You won’t want to miss this Master Class. To cover the time and costs of the offering there is a small charge. However, if you would like to come but would struggle please email me.

We are so confident you will love it so much you will want more. Please join us for The Secrets of Bridging Successfully Program

Bridging to the Initial Sensitising Event is crucial to emotional processing the root cause of clients anxiety. The somatic bridge offers a new way for Resource Therapists to access the Part who is in need.
Bridging to the Initial Sensitizing Event is crucial to emotional processing the root cause of clients’ anxiety. The Sensorimotor bridge offers a new way for Resource Therapists to access the Part who is in need.

This is where we really dive in deep, exploring the art and science of Bridging, so we are proud to offer you.

The Secret to Mastering the Bridging Process Successfully Program

You will walk away or across or perhaps stand up on Zoom, with a renewed confidence having learned and practiced your Bridging to perfection or close! Guidance and support online of course.

Save the date May 1, 10 am – 4 pm Sydney time.

You will watch and be inspired with clear secret sauce techniques for mastering the Bridging process integral to full trauma resolution, healing attachment ruptures, and misattunements.

You may well be amazed at the magical results and easy learning of Resource Therapy. It can be easily linked with your useful professional skills.

Wendy and I will be co-hosting this with our trusty RT facilitators, Chris and Yvette. Not to be missed.

How to sign up :

The best way to register at present is by signing up for the RT Newsletter. Send me an email or call me on Whatsapp +61434559011.

The other way is to head on over to Facebook and join the Resource Therapy Institute there for the latest updates.

Please if you know others who would benefit from this Masterclass please pass on the information.

Full registration details soon!

Training still on & Bali Workshops Update

Resource Therapy Training online live streaming

Hello beautiful parts therapists, health and well-being professionals. What a time we have had in Australia. First fires, then flood and now pestilence in the form of Corona Virus (Covid-19). And our poor world, thinking of you all wherever you are hoping you are safe.

Obviously we are taking this seriously, with precautions and safety as paramount.

It’s good to remember this is flu and while not pleasant to have, we usually recover and build immunity.

As you will know we have our annual Bali Clinical Resource Therapy training in 4 months.

At this stage, our Bali trip is yet to be decided. So please don’t book flights or accommodation as yet.

We will keep you in the loop as to what is happening. A final decision will be made within the next couple of months.

Resource Therapy Training Workshops will go ahead in July.

Our back up venue will be Randwick Sydney.

Resource Therapy's first ever webinar

And if all else fails we will be offering it virtually – live streaming the workshops. Where we come to you in the comfort of your office or home.

I just spoke to a friend of mine who’s daughter has sadly had to come home from her work experience gig with Disney USA.

As we see Disney, Qantas, Virgin and other big businesses have shut down services until June. This is a good sign. Things are expected to change for the better by then. So we are quietly optimistic. And you can bet there will be plenty of discounted airfares.

As anxiety is encouraged through endless media coverage, loneliness increases with social isolation and touching to a minimum, good therapy is needed now more than ever.

And spare a thought for those with OCD.

Parts therapy offers you powerful ways to work with general anxiety, panic, health anxiety, existential angst, fear of the unknown, uncertainty and unhelpful behaviors like over shopping and panic toilet roll buying.

Therapists need skills and tools for results for relief of anxiety, overwhelm and destructive behaviors.

It’s a great time to have your professional development needs for the year secured. Our latest training dates can be found here

Resource Therapy Options for counseling

We are offering Marriage Works couples and individuals either online therapy sessions or telephone counseling. We are limiting our physical contact – sadly our dancing has been canceled. And using all the recommended steps to prevent infection.

Yesterday I spoke with a long term client on the phone. Let’s call him John. John identified a part called Concerned. Concerned had useful, he looked after John’s physical well-being.

Concerned had been at the helm and blocking John’s other parts that keep him going.

Using the amazing Retro State Negotiation Protocol we made use of Concern.

Previously I had worked with John’s adult parts involved with his profession, getting rest and confidence. So Worker, Relaxer and Strong were given permission to help John make a living and deal with future planning while boosting the immune system with rest.

I then sought Concern’s help in getting John to the Dr and Pharmacy to deal with his sinus like symptoms. Concerned was more than happy to assist. Strong, Worker and Relaxer were super appreciative of Concern’s actions.

I could feel Concerned’s grin down the phone line.

Parts Therapy is fun and easy using Resource Therapy's Action protocols
Parts Therapy is fun and easy using Resource Therapy’s Action protocols

Concerned was now free to do his important work, helping maintain health, rather than protecting. While other parts were able to do make a living and look forward to the future.

John said he felt relieved and more at ease at the end of our phone session.

The benefits of working with parts can be online or on the phone.

Vaded work is possible and necessary with Retro Avoiding Parts.

Now more than ever we need more tools in our therapy kit to assist our wonderful clients and ourselves through these uncertain times.

Stay well dear friends, love to you all.

Philipa xox

How do We Handle Money in Therapy?

charging for your therapy services a balancing act

Touchy subject, money for many counsellors. Yet we need to make a living with our vocation.

Discussing dollars in therapy can bring up stuff for both therapists and clients alike.

Pip's tips for taking the stress out of psychology payments
Take the angst out of it.

In my practice we process the payment up front. Getting the business part out of the way, freeing us up to focus on therapy.

Here’s what I do. After new clients finish the intake paperwork, I usually say something like :

Payment first or after for therapy

“Lets get all the administration out of the way. How would you like to pay for today’s session?”

Finalizing the invoice, I then give them my client information sheet. Explaining on the first page is the admin side of things and the back page is therapy tips and tools for you to take away and read at your leisure.

It’s a nice exchange.

The feedback from clients has been overwhelmingly positive. They say it makes sense and feels reliebing getting payment completed.

It’s curious what happens with this routine set from the start. Usually it’s my clients who prompt me to take their payment, pulling out their credit card.

Therapy is an investment in self and it really is a case of backing themselves and their internal worth.

So as a suggestion why not get the charging and business aspects done and dusted at the start.

Notice what happens for you, and for your clients. How does it feel? What are your clients responses.

Experiment with the timing of taking payment. Possibly start with new clients initially and then talk to your existing clients.

For Skype clients I require prepayment via EFT or credit card 24 hours in advance.

Really love to hear what you and your clients responses are.

Please drop a comment in the box below sharing your experience to help others. Thanks!

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