Super Circle – Group Supervision for Resource Therapists Online

Resource Therapy Community Supervision Support for professional development.All our parts working in harmony allows peace within with Resource Therapy

At the Resource Therapy Institute, we appreciate learning a skill takes energy, practice and support. Those who fully go on to master any psychological therapy make the time and space to develop themselves.

Group supervision provides the ideal opportunity.

Please let me introduce the Super Circle – Online Group Supervision for Resource Therapists. Monthly meetings of two dedicated hours for a focus on you and your client practice.

It’s like a psychological massage for inspiration. Personally I love getting feedback and input from other skilled therapists. I regularly consult with my mentors to continue to grow as a therapist.

You can join either one of two group options for monthly support. It’s a great way to maintain connection with the Resource Therapy Community.

Philipa’s Monday PM Super Circle for Resource Therapists

Monday 28 September

Time 3pm – 5pm


Philipa’s Fridays AM Super Circle for Resource Therapists

Friday 25 September

Time 9.30 am -11.30 am

You will be welcome to confidentially discuss cases, bring all your questions, and videos for review. We may have topical sessions for focus ie diagnosis, working with Complex PTSD etc. Group directed.

Investment $ 88 per session paid in 24 hours in advance. Students rate low-income rates possible just ask me. I will send out a Zoom invite to pop in your calendar. Happy to sign off for your professional development needs.

If you are not yet seeing client’s you are welcome to join at a reduced rate. Sponsorship places available at no charge, please ask.

Love to have you join us for the fun, connection, and inspiration.

Register here: Please email or Call 0434 55 90 11  to register our spot – hurry spaces strictly limited.

Your supervisor is Philipa Thornton is a Psychology Board approved Supervisor of Psychologists and a Senior Resource Therapist Consultant. With her team Yvette Allen Master NLPer, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Clinical Resource Therapist and Chris Paulin Consultant Psychologist and Senior level Resource Therapist.

Supervision lets you share and learn from your client interactions. Professional Supervision enhances yoru practice.
Online Group Supervision is a safe space where you get to share and learn from your client interactions. Professional Supervision enhances your practice. Good therapy consultation gets results.

Video Consent to Record Counseling Template. Our Gift to You.

Heads up - Supervision of your psychotherapy can give you growth and height!

I am a huge believer in supervision and learning. One of the best ways we can do this is to view our work. Video provides an excellent opportunity to capture your therapy expertise.

It gives you a chance to review and see what worked well so you can repeat this. It is a wonderful teaching tool. You also see what you can improve on, but please don’t judge yourself harshly.

We all win. By watching and learning Yay!
We all win. By watching and learning Yay!

Most counselling training programs require you to submit  video case studies of your work for assessment and certification. So I encourage you to start now. Indeed I am completing some Imago Couple therapy training and will be doing this in the future.

Live demonstrations of therapy make excellent training abd supervision tools training-3207841_1920

Training Resource Therapy we love to video our demonstrations and I always offer our students the opportunity to bring a tape of their work in the supervision consultations. There is no bigger benefit than seeing good therapy in action and real change occur in the therapy hour.

With today’s phones and laptops you don’t need any fancy equipment. My Apple IPhone works a treat and I use a selfie stick with a tripod – cost $10 or so.

Video Recording of psychology and counselling techniques help you learn and grow your skills video-recording-3767454_1920
Video Recording of psychology and counselling techniques help you learn and grow your skills

What you must ensure is you have consent from your clients and this is best obtained in a written form. As responsible and ethical therapists this is a given. As our free gift to you for Black Friday I am letting you have our RTIA Video Consent and Release Template for you to adapt to your psychology practice. Please use and enjoy!

Please click the link here: consent2018docx

Heads up - Supervision of your psychotherapy can give you growth and height!
Heads up – Supervision of your psychotherapy can give you growth and height!

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