I work with children and am bound in NSW to have whats called a Working With Children Check WWCC completed every few years. This is to protect our precious children. Anyone who works with children must complete this check. It’s a simple process which involves a National Police Check (which is a criminal history check).
For most of us working there will be a fee of around $80. However in certain conditions like being a student on placement or an adoptive parent you do not have to pay the fee. Here is the NSW website https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-working-children-check

For Victoria the Website is https://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/
For Western Australia https://workingwithchildren.wa.gov.au/
And South Australia https://screening.sa.gov.au/screening-process/child-related-employment-screening and Northern Territories https://forms.pfes.nt.gov.au/safent/

This goes some way to accountability and as a client or employer you can request to see a current certificate.
I believe all children have the right to safety and protection from violence free from discrimination race, creed, gender, sexuality and circumstance. As health professionals we must have the highest standards of safety and care.