Hi my passion is for sharing the power of parts therapy. In particular the amazing Resource Therapy. Being a psychologist, mentor, and supervisor my vision is to encourage others in the field of therapy.
Hi, guys I wanted to share my Responsibility Release (RR) Technique with you.
It’s fabulous for those of you who are trauma processors assisting clients clearing Vaded States – Clinical Resource Therapists, Professional Hypnotherapists, EMDR Practitioners and the like.
I use it in the Empowerment Phase – RT Actions 4, 5, 6 & 7.
Recall RT works with the Part /s in distress, fast-tracking positive change.
State Vaded in Fear or Rejection are worked with directly in the Empowerment Phase. The Vaded State is holding unprocessed past emotions when out on the top deck of our boat (conscious) will feel out of control. This affect will not match our current situation and can get us in trouble.
Think of the shop assistant copping a barrage from someone who’s angry part has been triggered. Or if I have a panic attack in my workplace. Or when I am getting a work review, I start to feel emotional and cry. These are examples of Vaded States that need assistance.
To get to the Empowerment phase we have invited the Part we need to work with using RT Action 2 Vivify Specific. And then we will have Bridged ( RT Action 3 ) to the Initial Sensitising Event I.S.E.
In the I.S.E. this is usually a child State, who through temperament, learned experience, or caregiver influence has an overdeveloped schema of taking responsibility. A great core belief to clear up and it’s so easy with RT and the RR method.
This often manifests in adult lives as unhealthy relationship patterns, lack of assertiveness, and an intense need for approval.
This simple 2-minute process is a perfect add on for you to use with clients burdened with shame, guilt, and responsibility.
It has been inspired by Robin Shapiro, Gordon Emmerson and Clinical Hypnotherapist Lyn Mackintosh.
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While the RR technique is ideal for Resource Therapists, please feel free to adapt it if you’re a hypnotherapist or EMDR clinician who feels comfortable re-processing emotional wounds from the past.
P.S Notes coming soon! We love to hear your RT experiences, perhaps you have the RR a go with yours please share your experiences in the comment section below. Your work helps others ?
We have heard you, and as promised the RT Online Mastery Series continues with special guest Eugen Popa our international celebrity from Romania no less!
This Resource Therapy Institute gathering is to support fellow clinicians and those interested in RT. It’s a beautiful place to share and care.
Eugen Popa is an international Trainer and Speaker and head of the Romanian Hypnosis Association.
I had the privilege of meeting Eugen in Bali 2015. There he gained his certification as a Resource Therapy Trainer and has been teaching RT and other courses all around the world (USA, Europe, Brazil, Asia) since 2013.
RT Online Mastery Series continues with President of the Romania Hypnosis Association Eugen Popa and Philipa Thornton Resource Therapy Institute Australia, please come and join the fun.
Eugen has been teaching thousands of students in class and reached hundreds of thousands of people through his courses as well as his TV Show in Romania and on Facebook. Eugen is passionate about Learning, Growing, and Sharing knowledge and experience and he is constantly on the path of deepening the knowledge he has as well as seeking new wisdom all the time.
Post-PandemicBest Practice – RT Online Mastery Series
International guest Eugen Popa & Philipa Thornton meet with you.
Our focus will be on how do we navigate this new landscape as COVID 19 restrictions end. Preparation is key. What is on the horizon for yourself, your clients, and your practice?
We want to hear your thoughts and experiences. This is like a virtual super circle of loving-kindness. We would love to see you!