Hear from a Clinical Therapy Training Graduate…

We are passionate about Resource Therapy and so are others. We would love you to watch ( 1 min) Rachele’s experience at the Resource Therapy Institute of Australia training workshops. We be super appreciative it if you would be so kind as to check out our YOUTube Channel – Resource Therapy Institute and subscribe. Thanks!

Psychologist and Clinical Resource Therapy Graduate Rachele Davis.

New- Doing Day for You to Practice Resource Therapy

Find the sweet spot with Resource Therapy practice day in Sydney

I am super excited to announce our first ever Doing Day for the Resource Therapy Institute Australia. We are holding this chance to practice your RT skills immediately after the May Foundation training. This is a terrific bonus. Just after you have gained the head knowledge of RT you get to use your learning straight away with more practice.

We know for the research the first 24 -48 hours are critical and repetition reinforces learning and ability.

Have you ever felt kind of burned out after a training workshop ? You signed on totally enthused , only to feel lost confused and possibly less skilled at the end of the training?

I sure have. I went to my first Resource Therapy training days and came out with a head full of vaded states and a vague idea of how Resource Therapy works. I felt the fear and did it anyway. We know in today’s therapy world you need to gain competency quickly to help your clients benefit from your valuable learning and make it your own.

Research tells us a mentor and coach can fast track our competency.
We hear you and want to give you the opportunity to be coached and mentored in a supportive, safe and fun learning environment.

This workshop is your opportunity to give RT a go, take it for a test drive, polish your skills and reinforce your learning experience.

The Resource Therapy Action of Bridging with clients is a supremely useful tool. However Bridging can be an area of challenge for many of us. This DOING Dauy of Supervision Consultation and practice will be a a game changer for you. With fun, easy practice sessions in the day and you will get to use your RT learning.
This is a DOING day, so please show up if you are willing to have fun, be real and play with learning Resource Therapy.

Practice Resource Therapy

Of course this special practice day is open to all trained Resource Therapists. Naturally you will need to have completed an introductory two workshop (Foundation Training) to know what we are talking about.
We encourage those who did the course got fired up and perhaps ti’s been a while since you used it. Or maybe you have seen RT work but feel you would benefit and gain from further practice and polishing.
Come and have fun, gain further skills and competency in a safe, supportive and nurturing environment.


1 day hands on workshop 21 March 10- 4 pm
Investment $250 including GST

Easy parking and public transport near the Bondi Junction Venue.

Email me Philipathornton@gmail.com

Love to have you join us Please call us on 0434 559 011 

Our Resource States are like a flock who work together
Our Resource States are like a flock who work together

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