Want to Discover the Power of Parts Therapy?

Resource Therapy trauma Awareness.

Wonderful. You can with Resource Therapy’s powerful personality parts model. With RT you have a structure to guide you gently and compassionately in working with our parts, or as we call them in Resource Therapy (RT) our Resources. The name Resource tells us our ‘parts’ are there to help us live our fullest life. Sometimes our Resources get stuck in the trauma time. This past holds old protective behaviors like withdrawal, rage, and unprocessed emotional reactions – anxiety, feeling unlovable, not good enough, and terror to name a few of our client’s challenges and lived experiences.

RT teaches us how to engage with and work with the part holding distress or overwhelm, with a kindness and attachment focussed approach. Dealing with the root cause of our historical disturbance creates both a new reality for the present and the past. Long-standing issues appear to resolve with rapid lasting results.

If you are a therapist who wishes to assist your clients past their stuck emotions and facilitate a sense of integration, Resource Therapy is for you.

We have the two-day introductory course – the Foundation Program, followed by the eight-day Clinical where we learn all the key actions for therapeutic change and results. Many Clinical Resource Therapists then choose to do the Advanced Clinical and Train the Trainer five-day program. Completing the highest level of Resource Therapy. Chris and I are so pleased to be amongst a select few with the skills and training experience to offer this premier workshop.

Find out how you can either dip your toe in or dive in fully here with this year’s full calendar of Resource Therapy training opportunities.

Happy Valentines – Flash Sale 24 hours only. Hurry.

Valentines Flash Sale ONline Parts Training https://resourcetherapy.com.au/resource-therapy-foundation-training-online-philipa-thornton-sydney/

Valentine’s day flower sales go through the roof. Chocolate and sweets are hot commodities. A friend from Chile has a nice tradition. Valentine’s is a friendship day. Where you visit friends and take grapes for amity to grow on the vine with sweetness. Isn’t that lovely?

My gift for you is the Full Clinical at the Special Early Bird Price of $2900. Grab your spot today. Late Price $3200

Want to refresh your RT knowledge you can. Today only $1250.

Hope you can join us. Send me an email to secure your spot.

Yours in gratitude!

We heart you! Valentines Flash Sale ONline Parts Training https://resourcetherapy.com.au/resource-therapy-foundation-training-online-philipa-thornton-sydney/
Photo Credit Matt Nelson

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