Welcome 2023! How about some Inspiration for Your Parts,

Hello dear parts therapists, was there a part’s party at New Years’ or a tired one that went to bed well before midnight? My inspo part is out and sharing something wonderful if you are still in R and R, which I do hope you are dear one.

Chris and I were in NZ visiting our family on the Thames/Coromandel coast. So much delicious food and a relaxing time with the whanau.

On our return flight (after a two-hour delay on the tarmac in Auckland mind.) I watched the most brilliant movie and cried four times by my count.

Dame Valerie Adam’s soulful tribute to her mother. What a woman, wife, mother, and sports legend of NZ. She shares her heart with the love, losses, and liberation in the movie “More Than Gold.” This is platinum viewing five stars. Suitable family viewing.

Dame Valerie Adams’ a kiwi of Anglo and Tongan descent shares her incredible medal and life journey so candidly. With gratitude Dame Valerie. And a massive shout out to the director, producer, and all involved in filmmaking.

How about a Discount? Black Friday Sale is now on!

So I had to do a bit of research and google Black Friday origins, the day after the U.S. Thanksgiving, the fourth Friday in November. Dictionary dot com said it dates back to 1869 when two men attempted to corner the gold market which resulted in an economic collapse. There was a shift in the 20th century to a positive as retailers were often in the red (overdrawn) and the sales went to the black in their financial accounts. It seems like the shops have capitalized on this holiday season, so why can’t we grab a bargain? Apparently, many people took the day off after Thanksgiving. Presumably to go shopping?!

Who doesn’t like a discount? In the spirit of thanks, we at the Resource Therapy Institute Australia have heard you. We wish to honour dedicated parts therapy pioneers.

Early bird pricing is available from now till Sunday for our online Dec 4 & 5th Foundation Program.

This is where you get the nuts and bolts of this powerful parts therapy with straightforward techniques and protocols when working with issues. If you are trauma-informed and an attachment healer you will love the Empowerment protocol.

Healing from the inside out.

Resource Therapy Action steps offer us a system of strength-based interventions for psychological issues including anxiety, depression, PTSD, Complex PTSD, addictions, OCD, and even writer’s block, and helps you find your inner GPS your Core Self.

Perfect for psychologists, psychiatrists, therapists, coaches, NLP Clinicians, social workers, Clinical hypnotherapists, and other mental health professionals. This course is extremely practical and you will be using it in your next client session. Resource Therapy Foundation details here.

Self Soothing, you have all you need within you to support you - Your Resources Photo by Vlada Karpovich: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-wearing-black-top-4668509/
Self Soothing, you have all you need within you to support you – Your Resources Photo by Vlada Karpovich: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-woman-wearing-black-top-4668509/

What’s a Panic Attack Look Like from a Parts Perspective?

Here’s an excellent example of PTSD in Iron Man 3 where the central character Tony Stark, played by Robert Downey Jr. aka the Iron Man, a Marvel comic superhero brought to the silver screen) is triggered by anxiety.

This is where the wrong part is out on deck – the Vaded state is back in the experience, instead of his adult self who is in a cafe talking to friend James Rodes aka War Machine played by Don Cheadle.

Resource Therapy ( RT) theory offers therapists and their clients the Empowerment Protocol for resolving emotional overwhelm and unwanted behaviours associated with PTSD.

We also see the Retro Avoiding state take the helm to get him out of there – classic avoidance. Tony runs to his Iron Man suit where an analytical part, a Retro gains control of the situation by applying intellectual defenses and escapes the Vaded in Fear’s emotional overwhelm.

It’s common for these parts to be involved in PTSD presentations for ourselves and our clients.

Resource Therapists learn specialist methods to support the Vaded in Fear State – the panicked part to feel empowered and facilitate emotional processing to resolution by applying neuroscience. Our brains are plastic and can be rewired. This part can emotionally and physiologically know it’s safe and survived this traumatic event. In the case of Tony, he is not held captive by his kidnappers, he is safe and with his friend in New York.

We then work with unwarranted coping responses, termed Retro States. These parts perform behavior designed to suppress emotions and maintain a person’s control. We see this in PTSD diagnosis – Hypervigilance, Avoidance, Reactivity, Panic, and Flashbacks to name a few symptoms.

RT’s guiding principle is that our parts develop to help and serve a need. As we mature emotionally the ways our needs are met may no longer be required to the same degree as a little person stamping their feet to get what they want. Think of a three-year-old having a tantrum, cute when you are that age. Possibly scary when you are an adult yelling at an upset.

Super excited to be presenting Resource Therapy for PTSD presentations in association with a premier Europe training organization Ego State Therapy Switzerland next weekend online translated English and German.

Curious to learn how parts therapy can be added to your toolkit with protocols designed specifically to treat PTSD, anxiety, and depression.

Start with our introduction course the two-day online Foundation Program. Fun, interactive and practical you will learn how to assist clients in putting the past behind them and fully living in their present. What freedom. Jump to the Fees and Dates page here.

Parts in Panic Iron Man 3

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