What’s the Benefit for Therapists in Using Parts Therapy?

Our parts are like an internal family with may relationships. They are our Resources

We know Parts Therapies are all the rage in the USA and Europe. Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, and other social media.

So there must be something to this parts of therapy hype, right?

Let’s face it you came into this therapy business to help people change, while achieving healing ethically, respectfully, and compassionately.

Maybe this is your second career as you wanted to do more than work to live, you wanted greater meaning in your life and work. Imagine feeling the reward of seeing authentic shifts in your patient’s health and well-being.

You have spent hours not to mention thousands learning psychotherapy models and theories. You have practiced client-centered, narrative, acceptance and commitment therapy, mindfulness, and hopefully EMDR.

Perhaps you have a Master’s in Counselling or are finishing your psychology or social work degree.

Don’t you want the confidence to know what to do in sticky situations, and how to handle resistance while really getting to the crux of your client’s anxieties and frustrations?

How would it be to offer your clients respectful methods for:

  • Memory Reconsolidation
  • Trauma Processing
  • Self-Compassion
  • Empowerment
  • End Self Sabotage
  • Resolve Imposter Syndrome
  • Cease addictive patterns
  • Feel in Control – emotionally and in charge of their lives
  • Have meaningful relationships
  • Remove blocking beliefs

With Resource Therapy, you can.

Resource Therapy ( RT) is a parts-therapy-based model that offers you easily learned techniques and a clear structure to support your work with clients.

One participant in our Clinical program recently said “It’s like a sleek pared down version of Ego State Therapy.” RT could be viewed as an advanced form of Ego State Therapy as it offers evolutionary new methods for State or parts work.

With 15 Treatment Actions, there is an elegant structure providing a road map for change. Clear action steps are designed to treat your patient’s issues and goals for therapeutic results.

Imagine knowing what to do, why you are doing it, and when to apply the RT Actions in your therapy rooms. Feel the sense of relief and burden of responsibility taken from you, allowing your clients to feel comfortable, safe, and supported.

When we as therapists work directly with the Personality Part stuck in patterns of pain, anxiety, abandonment, confusion, rage, or acting out of control offers rapid results. It’s like a keyboard shortcut tapping into the root of the problem and allowing for memory reconsolidation and inner healing.

Join us in 2024 to discover the power of parts therapy in this amazing modality online or in Bali! Hurry spaces filling fast.

Memory Reconsolidation and inner healing happens when we work with the Personality Part with the Problem which is different to Internal Family Systems IFS

Hola! Supervision Dates for 2023

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash

Like anything, Resource Therapy takes practice to build your parts therapy muscles. Especially if you are working with trauma and complexity, resistance alliancing and the OPI protocol are must-have skills.

You can join us at any time.

As part of our RT training package, you can attend group consultations. It’s a great way to keep the Parts work alive and get support for applying this model of psychotherapy.

Plus getting together in a fun friendly group of other mental health professionals is a great way to network and avoid burnout. Therapists need collegial support and connection as much as our clients.

Super Circle Dates for 2023

Monday – 3-5 pm
Oct 9
Nov 6
Dec 4

Friday- 9.30-11.30 am
Oct 27
Nov 17
Dec 15

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez 🇨🇦 on Unsplash
Join us online for Parts Therapy consultation – Europe and North America-friendly times.

Join the fabulous therapists attending from Australia, The Netherlands, Austria, New York, Ontario Canada, and St. Louis Missouri. It’s a positive supportive atmosphere networking with other beautiful therapists from a range of mental health professions. There are psychotherapists, counselors, Imago therapists, clinical psychologists, social workers, NLP practitioners, and Clinical Hypnotherapists.

Just hit reply or drop a comment below or send an email with your dates and I will add an invite with the Zoom link.

Congratulations to our Train the Trainer Graduates and the Resourceful Therapist YouTube Channel has a new video

Our training has wrapped for this year on a high note. What a brilliant group of caring therapists, from various health and well being backgrounds accredited mental health social workers, clinical psychologists, attachment specialists, couples therapists, EMDR therapists, psychotherapists, clinical hypnotherapists, and an orthonutrionist.

As President of Resource Therapy International (official) please join me in congratulating Amy, Michele, Gina, Ben, David, Jonathon, Marjolein, Hollie, and Gerhard, our excellent Advanced Clinical and Train the Trainer in Resource Therapy Program graduates of the Resource Therapy Institute Australia. We had so much fun, you guys are awesome!

Resource Therapists are trained to work with the part of the personality involved in clients presenting issues. Most therapies talk to the historian reporting part. Naturally, this supports faster growth and rapid results targeted to your client’s goals and aspirations. All our parts are our Resources, some are stuck holding past trauma, fear, rejection, confusion, disappointment, shame, and broken behaviours like addictions.

As part of the training for those wishing to share and teach Resource Therapy, participants showcase their skills in a presentation. Oh boy were they brilliant.

Here’s an example on the Resourceful Youtube Channel from attachment specialist Jonathon McCormack zooming in from New York. Jonathon built us up to pique with wondering who his celebrity client was. A well-known star of television no less, who had some parts in real conflict with each other. Filmed and shared with permission.

Curious to learn more about this exciting and refreshing parts model? Please check out our 2024 parts therapy program – online or in Bali click the link to go to our training schedule.

The video is around 12 minutes, have fun, and thanks ever so much for watching.

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