How do We Handle Money in Therapy?

charging for your therapy services a balancing act

Touchy subject, money for many counsellors. Yet we need to make a living with our vocation.

Discussing dollars in therapy can bring up stuff for both therapists and clients alike.

Pip's tips for taking the stress out of psychology payments
Take the angst out of it.

In my practice we process the payment up front. Getting the business part out of the way, freeing us up to focus on therapy.

Here’s what I do. After new clients finish the intake paperwork, I usually say something like :

Payment first or after for therapy

“Lets get all the administration out of the way. How would you like to pay for today’s session?”

Finalizing the invoice, I then give them my client information sheet. Explaining on the first page is the admin side of things and the back page is therapy tips and tools for you to take away and read at your leisure.

It’s a nice exchange.

The feedback from clients has been overwhelmingly positive. They say it makes sense and feels reliebing getting payment completed.

It’s curious what happens with this routine set from the start. Usually it’s my clients who prompt me to take their payment, pulling out their credit card.

Therapy is an investment in self and it really is a case of backing themselves and their internal worth.

So as a suggestion why not get the charging and business aspects done and dusted at the start.

Notice what happens for you, and for your clients. How does it feel? What are your clients responses.

Experiment with the timing of taking payment. Possibly start with new clients initially and then talk to your existing clients.

For Skype clients I require prepayment via EFT or credit card 24 hours in advance.

Really love to hear what you and your clients responses are.

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