Free Easy Stress Relief For You.

In Sydney, we are mid-lock-down, 7 days in. The weather has cleared, the sun shines forth. Chris and I have been enjoying some lovely walks to Coogee beach and local parks. Being in nature is essential to healing. In Japan Shinrin-Yoku – the practice of forest bathing has scientific backing. No bathing suit required, simply a stroll through the trees.

Your immune system is boosted, blood pressure lowered and health issues alleviated. What a prescription for health, mother natures healing. Hopefully you can get your dose of Phytoncides the chemical released by trees and plants regularly.

The University of Westminister study found that this sort of social prescribing saw a 28% reduction in Gp visits. So get out into nature, take your shoes off, and feel grounded with the earth’s energy revitalizing.

With Shinrin-Yoku the aim is to soak up and meander, letting the goodness in. No phones, charging around in lycra. Just communing with nature in her glory.

I hope you can get your booster shot of nature’s care, soon. 20 minutes has significant health benefits.

With gratitude, Philipa

Coogee, Sydney Friday.

Coogee Sydney

Important Therapist Information on Abuse

Award-winning author Jess Hill’s book “See what you made me do.” Is a must-read for the caring and concerned therapist. Now with the help of SBS, she has brought us this text as a brilliant and frightening documentary.

I am recommending it to all my supervisees. Trigger warning for domestic violence, and indigenous abuse. Both confronting and compelling. Surveillance cameras, spyware, and tracking devices are a common tools of an abuser. The camera in the kid’s teddy bear is beyond words, it just beggared belief. Not the first time I had heard of this sort of thing. Still another thing to see it entirely. Shocking.

So here are the three binge-worthy episodes, plus the INSIGHT debate is well worth watching for more perspective too. Just click on the link.

Trailer here :

Resource Therapy in a Nutshell

Chris and I had a delightful hour chatting with Evonne as part of the latest Resourceful Therapist YouTube and Podcast. Evonne shared how being a teacher and frustrated parent eventually led to her becoming a therapist and author. Evonne is a born speaker and gave us her take on the what, how and why of Resource Therapy in the last 15 minutes. Enjoy this episode. We are so grateful out our guests. If you would like an opportunity to share with others or know of someone please pop a comment in the box below. Much appreciation beautiful therapists.

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