Presentation at the ACA Conference Sydney 2017

Smartphones making us dumb with social media addiction? Resource Therapy helps.

I am delighted, (slightly scared and excited too!) to be a guest speaker at the Australian Counselling Association’s Sydney Conference this year.

Learn new skills, network with fellow professionals at the ACA in Sydney September.

The Resource Therapy Insititute of Australia is committed to faciliating, educating and progressing Resource Therapy’s powerful methods for change. No where is this more needed than in the mental health field. We need new ways of addressing old problems our clients face. And with the pressures of technology advances we must keep up.

Facebook, Instagram and other Social Media - can it be addictive?
Facebook, Instagram and other Social Media – can it be addictive?

Here is the link ACA confrence speaker list. As a therapist you may be interested in learning more about the Australian Counselling Association.

If you are attending this event please come forward and say hello, I would appreciate meeting you.


Want the notes to the presentation?  Then click here ACA Resource Therapy Notes on Addiction Treatment.



What Social Media Addiction isn’t

OMG Social Media Addiction
OMG Social Media Addiction
OMG Social Media Addiction! No it’s not.


Hi there I am very excited to let you know that the Resource Therapy Institute will be presenting at the ACA conference in Sydney this September.

It is a wonderful opportunity for you to learn Resource Therapy’s powerful and new techniques in the treatment of addictions. As we Social Media Addiction is a buzzword, although not technically an addiction, it does have some of the hallmarks of DSM disorders like gambling use disorder.  Excessive use can affect self esteem, relationships, with school and  work suffering.

Resource Therapy Institute Psych Solutions

Here is the Facebook page full abstract on Psych Solutions. 






Happy National Psychology Week 2016

Welcome to this week’s emphasis in psychology for 2016  – Positive Psychology.

Resource Therapy fits nicely into this category, as it offers empowerment and positive change for clients.

At the Resource Therapy Institute we are giving a free talk at the Randwick Mental Health Professional Network, this Tuesday November 8th 6.30-8.30 pm. Shop 155 Avoca St. Hurry as places are limited, grab your ticket below:

Register here for Randwick Mental Health Professional Network meeting by clicking here.

Resource Therapy Foundation Training
The Dalai Lama has to be a positive psychology believer. Resource Therapy Glastonbury Music Festival with the Dalai Lama and Patti Smith.


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