Esther Perel on Parts – Our Resources

Renowned Couples Therapist Esther Perel has a great description of our personality parts, shared in an email here:

Our identities are intertwined with our experiences of belonging. Have you noticed how different parts of yourself become activated with different people and places? At home, I’m a mother and a partner. At work, I’m a therapist. In New York, I’m an immigrant. In my native Belgium, I’m an expat coming home for a visit. I speak nine languages and in every one a different part of me is expressed. Whenever my American and Belgian friends meet, they often compare notes. Long lasting friendships bring the many parts of us into alignment, grounding us in continuity. 

Esther Perel talks Parts and relationship connections and need for belonging support us.

When we work with clients accepting and acknowledging we have many parts – Resources as they are known in Resource Therapy, is like a breath of fresh air. You can literally see your client’s face when you have worked to resolve a wounded part’s unmet needs for safety, sanctuary, and empowerment.

Spontaneous change results in a wider array of responses and choices in life. So wonderful to be a part of the parts therapy revolution!

The last training of 2022 coming up love to have you join us for fun and practical training which teaches you real-world skills for change click the link.

Try this nifty technique…

blue and pink artwork

Hi guys this is useful for clients who might be burdened with responsibility learned early on. I came up with the Responsibility Release as adapted from Robin Shapiro and Professor Gordon Emmerson’s ideas.

Great for healing our parts.

Also for therapists who have had a big session and need to ‘let it go’ then you could also use this as a self-care process.

The Responsibility Release Technique video is here.

A five-minute practice for letting go. Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Want to see a Parts Update?

Our Resources our Inner Team Photo credit Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

As an accelerated change therapy Resource Therapy allows our Parts also known as “Resources” to be returned to a state of health.

Post-resolution of hurt parts or the Vaded States ( Parts overwhelmed in past emotional experience) the Parts system may need to be brought up to speed.

I like to share with my clients this is akin to a software upgrade where glitches and bugs get fixed in your phone.

Perhaps you have a curious explorer part?

You are welcome to ‘see’ a Resource Therapy Parts update session with a real client (used with permission naturally).

Discover the power of parts therapy. Please visit the Resourceful Therapist YouTube Parts Update by clicking here.

Our Resources our Inner Team Photo credit  RODNAE Productions from Pexels
Our Resources our Inner Team Photo credit Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

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