Loving training the Clinical Resource Therapy program in Sydney

Explore new views with Resource Therapy training

I have just finished training the first 4 days of the  8 day Clinical Resource Therapy. What a blast, we had some amazing sessions with our live therapy demonstrations captured on video ( thank you Julian!)  – thanks to those volunteers, you will be helping so many more people with your personal work. Therapists are a helpful bunch. Awesome!

Coming together to help others as therapists
Coming together in to help others

And in the practice people were really applying their new skills. Having both profound insights on their professional practice and experiencing personal growth.  So wonderful.


These four days covered the Resource Therapy systems for coaching clients to their best performance – Dissonant States as simple and yet effective procedure to take exams, make presentations and help people live more fully. This day covers diagnosing your clients presenting issues and apply the Resource Therapy Actions according to your clients goals for change.

Loving Lions great to be free of pain and anxiety
Loving Lions great to be free of pain and anxiety

I love the next day of training  where we learn to relieve misunderstandings, grief and loss in relationships – clarification  work  with States Vaded in Confusion.

We needs skills to address our sadness, hurt and fear. Resource Therapy teaches those skills in an easily learnt manner
We needs skills to address our sadness, hurt and fear. Resource Therapy teaches those skills in an easily learnt manner

We also facilitate addressing anxiety, trauma processing and self worth building with States Vaded in Fear and Rejection. These are wonderfully effective processes for attachment disorder and difficulties. Super effective treatment for PTSD.

Resource Therapy has powerful processes for healing attachment and hurt
Resource Therapy has powerful processes for healing attachment and hurt



The next day we are learning how to address unwanted behavioral issues – gambling, addictions, rage and withdrawals using Retro State negotiation protocol- unique to Resource Therapy.

skills to address our inner pain and loneliness Resource Therapy teaches those skills in an easily learnt manner
No longer alone We needs skills to address our inner pain and loneliness Resource Therapy teaches those skills in an easily learnt manner

This final day addressed depression and blockages where we learn to work with States Vaded in Disappointment. Another powerful and super useful approach for treating depression effectively.

Feeling inspired! Thank you to our lovely group.

Advanced Skills in Resourcing Your Clients - Clinical RT Workshop Great for group learning. You don't need to be a giraffe!
Advanced Skills in Resourcing Your Clients – Clinical RT Workshop Great for group learning. You don’t need to be a giraffe!

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