Inner Conflict Resolved on Video

Yoda helps me write the blog post & RTIA Newsletter

Welcome we have the latest edition of the Resourceful Therapist Podcast & YouTube Channel. Don’t you love my Burmese cat helping with the newsletter. This episode shows the wonders of parts resolution using RT Action 11 Conflicted State Negotiation.

Watch it here Conflicted State Negotiation Demonstration ( 7 minutes)

Recall Conflicted parts are normal, they are in a slight power struggle and need mediation. Resource Therapists learn Conflicted State Protocol, with its 10 step process which elegantly settles resolving inner tension.

These are surface states which quickly shift with this respectful process. Most commonly associated with procrastination, sleep disturbance, and decision making. Be aware though Vaded and Retro States can be behind these presentations.

Conflicted parts can resolve easily using Resource therapy
Conflicted parts power struggles resolve easily using Resource therapy

For example one of my clients had not filed taxes for nearly 20 years. I think you will agree that beyond procrastination! This required Vaded state work applying the Empowerment protocol. When the Initial Sensitizing Event (ISE) which from memory was where we worked with 3-year-old Resource caught up hearing his parents argue. This can be extremely frightening for our little ones on the inside. Activating our fight or flight systems.

This then freed him up to work through his tax papers. Thank goodness he had an accountant to help him too. Although it was never going to be an overnight job ☺️. He also needed a helper state to achieve this – the amazing Find Resource Action 8.

The video demo is a straightforward example from our Foundation program. Fellow trainers, you are most welcome to share it with your trainees.

PS. There is nothing stopping you from using this method as a self-help process, super useful for those difficult decisions. Talk from each of your differing parts to each other in the chair. ?

PS. There is nothing stopping you from using this method as a self-help process, super useful for those difficult decisions. Talk from each of your differing parts to each other in the chair. ?

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