Vaded in Rejection Series Video 3 now up on YouTube

Vaded States live in a prison of low self worth, anxiety and shame. Resource Therapy heals and promotes internal value.

Here is the next installment for our Vaded Series. States Vaded in Rejection are one of the most common issues I deal with in my therapy office. I’ll bet you have seen many clients too. I love how inspiring and restorative this psychological and emotional work is.

States Vaded in Rejection are a huge part of trauma and anxiety.
These States often have caregiver Introject who was conditionally loving

You can spot a state Vaded in Rejection a mile off, as you hear “I am never good enough, no matter what I do I still feel like a fraud.”

Sometimes it’s a terribly deep sense of feeling unlovable and it’s a burden carried for years, leaving person emotionally crippled in their lives. Often they are experiencing problematic relationships in love, at work and in their lives,

Attachment disorder works in parallel with States Vaded in Rejection. Healing these usually younger Resource State is truly rewarding and empowering to our clients who consult us.

Happy adults are free from value judgements and shame from the past.

Click the link below to access the Resource Therapy Institute’s Channel:

Thanks for reading and watching. Love to hear about your work with States Vaded in Rejection – drop a comment below. Philipa

Vaded In Fear Resource Therapy Actions on YouTube

Near death experience or seeing one can result in PTSD - Resource Therapy offers effective treatment

Welcome to May, gorgeous autumn here in Sydney.

Here is the next video in the Vaded State series – dealing with Resources States Vaded in Fear and how this assists them to return to their Normal condition and be free from the past.

The Resource Therapy Actions involved in Vaded in Fear work are applicable to dealing with PTSD, Addictions, Dissociation, Imposter Syndrome, Generalized Anxiety, OCD, Phobia’s and Panic attacks. Although there may be more involved and you may require the Vaded in Rejection series coming up soon. These are taught on the Foundation Training workshop – Resourcing our Clients come and learn for yourself!

 States Vaded in Fear are those state that surface with old emotions related to a past event that do not match the present situation and can be overwl=hleming.
Vaded in Fear and Vaded in Rejection Resource states are often stuck in the past and we need to help them heal in the present. Resource Therapy teaches us how to effectively get results for clients.

Here I am discussing how to use the Resource Therapy Vaded in Fear protocol.

If you are in Sydney I will be presenting a workshop at the Randwick Mental Health Professionals Network May 13th 6pm-8m on working with States Vaded in Confusion – healing traumatic bereavement whilst aiding in the repair of guilt and shame. Please send me an email and I will add you to the registration – YOU must Register as places strictly limited and it’s expected to sell out! It’s free and so great value and professional points and networking with other therapists.

Professional Ethics – have you got your WWCC?

Koala parent and baby in Australia we need to protect our wildlife and home life.

I work with children and am bound in NSW to have whats called a Working With Children Check WWCC completed every few years. This is to protect our precious children. Anyone who works with children must complete this check. It’s a simple process which involves a National Police Check (which is a criminal history check).

For most of us working there will be a fee of around $80. However in certain conditions like being a student on placement or an adoptive parent you do not have to pay the fee. Here is the NSW website

Freedom to be a child and explore are an important part of our children's development.
Freedom to be a child and explore are an important part of our children’s development.

For Victoria the Website is

For Western Australia

And South Australia and Northern Territories

Children excited by learning and being at school
Children excited by learning and being at school

This goes some way to accountability and as a client or employer you can request to see a current certificate.

I believe all children have the right to safety and protection from violence free from discrimination race, creed, gender, sexuality and circumstance. As health professionals we must have the highest standards of safety and care.

The elephant herd protects it's young. Mama Elephant stands by her kin
The elephant herd protects it’s young. Mama Elephant stands by her kin.

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