Todd Sampson Interview Delays Training

Oh well, my parts – my Resources are jumping out on deck with excitement. I was contacted by Pauline a TV producer and asked if I would be the expert on Todd Sampson’s next Mirror Mirror show, for the episode on love.

It is incredibly and humbly honouring to be invited on to the show. Many of you will know Todd from the Gruen Transfer and Redesign My Brain series. The Gruen Transfer with Will Anderson was a real favourite filled with eye-opening information on how easily we are manipulated by advertising.

I’m a big fan of great information intelligently presented. Todd and his team ( shout out to Pauline !) master this.

Of course, I said yes!

We will be focusing on Social Media, online dating, and what drives us to be ‘addicted’ to these attention-grabbing forums.

Especially TIKTOK and how the internet may be changing the way we connect and engage with the world.

Not to mention the addictive process involved – let’s face it, who hasn’t caught themselves scrolling for longer than intended on Facebook or YouTube?

This came about with the 2016 Addiction conference where we presented Resource Therapy’s Addiction Protocol for potentially healing the root cause of our client’s underlying issues of rejection, blame, shame, and the need to escape from life.

We are meeting in late May, just before our Bali trip. Training opportunities there next year watch this space.

Please sign up for the newsletter to keep abreast of the latest developments, if you haven’t already.

Sadly I will need to move our Foundation Program ( the two-day intro to this powerful parts model) training dates to July just after the school holidays. Exact dates soon. Apologies for the inconvenience.

Love to meet you virtually then.

Thank you dedicated therapists for holding the world in your hearts.


Resource Therapy Foundation dates changed due to Todd Sampson Interview with Philipa Thornton Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash
Resource Therapy Foundation dates changed due to Todd Sampson Interview with Philipa Thornton Photo by Alexander Dummer on Unsplash

The Secret Recipe in Therapy?

When Betty Crocker (brand name) first started selling instant cake mixes – all you had to do was add water. They failed miserably.

They changed the recipe. When bakers added an egg and oil to the mix – success!

People wanted to feel like they were cooking, and just adding water wasn’t enough. There’s nothing like feeling actively involved in the baking process.

It’s the same with Therapy. Your input is valued and crucial to your clients.

Resource Therapy’s protocols guide you through the steps you take for changing results. It’s a team effort as you collaborate with your clients for results.

Without your compassion, your learning, your ethics, and care in using this recipe it runs the this of being an instant cake, not a precision laser tool.

Good therapy is an art.

You are the active ingredient.

Parts work Protocols with Resource Therapy made easy deva-williamson-bLnJi-GKwhw-unsplash

Learn how Resource Therapy ‘recipes’ applied with your unique skills assists your client’s goals for change. Next Foundation Program May 29/30 Online.

Love to introduce you to the magic of Parts Therapy work.

Article inspired by S Godin tweet.

Want to see a Parts Update?

Our Resources our Inner Team Photo credit Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

As an accelerated change therapy Resource Therapy allows our Parts also known as “Resources” to be returned to a state of health.

Post-resolution of hurt parts or the Vaded States ( Parts overwhelmed in past emotional experience) the Parts system may need to be brought up to speed.

I like to share with my clients this is akin to a software upgrade where glitches and bugs get fixed in your phone.

Perhaps you have a curious explorer part?

You are welcome to ‘see’ a Resource Therapy Parts update session with a real client (used with permission naturally).

Discover the power of parts therapy. Please visit the Resourceful Therapist YouTube Parts Update by clicking here.

Our Resources our Inner Team Photo credit  RODNAE Productions from Pexels
Our Resources our Inner Team Photo credit Photo by RODNAE Productions from Pexels

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